Elyseeh complaint (Discord)

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Jan 1, 2020
I was playing Minecraft today on fox and received a message from a random player stating whether i wanted to have sex or not. I played along to see what he was up to so I could warn the community about this sucker. So i shared the images in the Fox Discord in the Meme channel because i couldnt upload pictures in other channels. A few people replied with laughing emoijs. then i @ someone in discord put the name was wrong. next thing I know I got banned from the discord server so i went on an alt account on discord and asked the reason of ban. Elyseeh said "Advertisement" but i told her i didnt advertise sh!t. if i got banned for advertisement why would she delete all the other posts about me warning the community about this pedo. I think Elyseeh is friends with this pedo and is defending him. I want prove of me supposably advertising. Elyseeh has yet to reply to my messages.Screenshot (124).png
The accusations you make are very serious and the burden of proof lies on you. It is possible that they are a result of acting under the influence of emotions but this suggestion is groundless and undermines dignity of a widely respected person ( Elyseeh ). That is why I am asking for personal culture, objectivity and not guessing.
The accusations you make are very serious and the burden of proof lies on you. It is possible that they are a result of acting under the influence of emotions but this suggestion is groundless and undermines dignity of a widely respected person ( Elyseeh ). That is why I am asking for personal culture, objectivity and not guessing.
The burden of prove does not lie on me. She banned me for advertisement she should show the prove. and why would she delete the other posts which had nothing to do with advertisement. you're just another friend of Elyseehs trying to help her out.
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