Co-Owner application

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Mar 20, 2016
- Name: Jnocero

- Joined 2014

-Age: 17

- Timezone: eastern (USA)

- Languages: Chinese and Russian

- Why would you become Co-Owner? so that i can be like connor12568 (my idol)

-How would you benefit the server? I would make it a FRIENDLY dictatorship and overthrow Leon eventually

-Would you be a good fit as Co-Owner? Yes because leon is small brain and i am large and in charge brain. My dictatorship would benefit all and i would be very HANDS ON wink wink! If you get banned, u can bribe me with 50 cents and toe nail clippings to get unbanned. I am very lenient guys. Danny black is vouching for me so I feel like i have a good chance of getting this position. Thanks in advance!!!
Hi Jnocero,

Thank you for applying for Co-Owner.

This is a very nice application. I would like to accept you. There's only one problem. I am not able to accept someone to a higher rank than CM. So sadly I cannot accept you as CoOwner.

I hope you have good luck getting it though!
hahahahahahaha you should do a girlfriend application hahahahahaha that'd be so weird hahahahahaha (girlfriend application for me) hahahahahahahahahaha imagine that? hahahahahaha
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