Why I may be leaving Foxcraft...

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Jan 14, 2017
I've been playing on this server since I can remember. Maybe 6/7yrs ago? Idk. A cousin introduced me to it and I lvoed it. Played skywars everyday. Played survival. Battled mobs in arenas. Started creative when I got into building. All was good.

Then every year, I would apply for staff. Now I am now of age to become an admin. I am 14, almost 15.

In my time on Foxcraft, I have recieved two bans. Both were removed within less than a few days. Once it was because I beat an admin at skywars, who was feeling a little cocky at the time. He believed I was hacking, when it fact I just had had a lucky game. The other it was when my friend was over and she tried to advertise her stupid server on my plot. I even got her to try and apologize (and i believe she did).

Those were both YEARS ago. Both were dismissed as they were false bans and I wasn't even aware my friend had used my minecraft account, when she was over. I am still in contact with her so I can stil verify that she did it without my consent.

Anyways... long story short - I'm gay. I'm a guy who likes guys. No one cares. Its actually illegal both on Minecraft, on social media and in most countries in Europe to be homophobic and display actions of homophobia. There's a senior member of staff here who is openly homophobic. He called people the q slur as an insult. He has reportedly said derogatory things to gay people. For being GAY. There is nothing wrong with your sexuality.

Everyone knows who HE is. Cloak you better do something about homophobes on your staff team. I don't care if I'm not staff but I do care if the reason is because of me either being better at a game or because im freaking gay. That's just wrong.

I'm sorry for all the closeted people on the server. Y'all can't be yourself because of an idiot.#

I'm sorry for my "language" but I'm annoyed. We are living in the 21st century people. Get over it.

- Tobias (Fretrz)

I’m sorry you feel this way as I am not sure of anyone on the staff team who hates “gays” or homosexuals. As far as I’m concerned we’re all welcoming and accepting of everyone as in the end it’s just a game. If you are thinking you weren’t accepted as staff because of this, that isn’t the case and I hope you don’t feel that way. Anyways, whatever you decide to do, good luck.

I'm not gay btw.
Actually was a skywars player for most of that time.

I’m sorry you had that experience on the server and I know not all staff members are good and genuine like they should be. I hope you find another server where the staff are kind and understanding. There are some servers like that :-)
It's always a shame when a player leaves due to the unprofessional actions of a staff member. Very sorry that you had to deal with that, as it makes our entire community look bad when it's actually just a very select few people. Best of luck with wherever you go next!
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