You totally stole most of my information.IGN: LifeGeon
Rate yourself on PvP: 4/10
Your main friends on KitPvP: Dude, I know almost know everybody.
Favorite spot on the map: That would have to be Mesa.
When can you 1v1 Sabotage_: Already done, multiple times, but I'm always ready to try again.
Skype (optional): You know it.
Yeah xD but its true soo.You totally stole most of my information.
Rate Yourself: 8/10
Main Friends: Greynium (Grey), Infinit3Fairy__, LordFieryFTW
Fav Spot: Mushroom Hill
1v1: Anytime you want
Rate Yourself: 4.5/10
Main Friends: Greynium (Grey), Infinit3Fairy__, LordFieryFTW
Fav Spot: Mushroom Hill
1v1: Anytime you want
Can you 1v1 right now?IGN: Ksmudger.
Rate yourself on PvP: I'm like 7-8 maybe 9 in some aspects of pvp.
Your main friends on KitPvP: I stopped playing it but before, snoopysims and you were main team mates of mine.
Favourite spot on the map: I like the nether, or Jungle the most.
When you can 1v1 Sabotage_: Whenever. And I have beaten you before lots of times, but you have beaten me lots of times so I think you know my pvp.
Skype (optional): You have my Skype already.
yeah my laptop is the only thing available to use, so if I lag or whatever that's why. Should be fine.Can you 1v1 right now?
Go on skyblock so we can discuss this furtheryeah my laptop is the only thing available to use, so if I lag or whatever that's why. Should be fine.
RejectedIGN: Baest
Rate yourself on PvP: -3/10
Your main friends on KitPvP: I dont have friends
Favourite spot on the map: Spawn
When you can 1v1 Sabotage_: Now
Skype (optional): Negativezz
Rejected, sorry.IGN: LoveMee
Rate yourself on PvP: 7.5/10
Your main friends on KitPvP: HeyIm_CJ, ProbationZ, and HaleySenpai.
Favourite spot on the map: anywhere? I like the whole map.
When you can 1v1 Sabotage_: Anytime
Skype (optional): OMGitsLoveMee
Rate yourself on PvP:9/10
Your main friends on KitPvP:FayzelFA , Remierik and TwenyJuan
Favourite spot on the map: FOREST WHERE BEARS ROAM THE WOODS.
When you can 1v1 Sabotage_:Any time my old friend, any time.
Skype (optional):'matrixjones', my first mc name ;3
Accepted! Congrats! Check skype for further details.IGN: ProbationZ
Rate yourself on PvP: 8-9 out of 10 But i'd probably get Destroyed by Tew Chaynz
Your main friends on KitPvP: LoveMee, HeyIm_Cj
Favourite spot on the map: Mushroom
When you can 1v1 Sabotage_: Already did
Skype (optional): You already have me ;D
IGN: dual
Rate yourself on PvP: 1
Your main friends on KitPvP: I have no friends
Favourite spot on the map: Anywhere
When you can 1v1 Sabotage_: Message me
Skype (optional): You have it?