When will players on Foxcraft be able to have a opinion.

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I think we won't be able to understand the operations of trans-phobia, homophobia, if we don't understand how certain kinds of links are forged between gender and sexuality in the minds of those who want masculinity to be absolutely separate from femininity and heterosexuality to be absolutely separate from homosexuality. If a person is homosexual by nature - that is, if one's sexuality is as intrinsic a part of one's identity as gender or skin color - then society can no more deny a gay person access to the secular rights and religious sacraments because of his homosexuality than it can reinstate


In this post you can clearly see a man being called ousted in chat as being gay, used in an offensive manor. I decided to steer the conversation away from outing this person by saying that its a requirement to be gay on the server. This was an attempt to show the person they are not alone in this fight to just be treated like anyone else. Instead of muting the people who used gay in an offensive and homophobic manor, joking at this persons expense, Ambology (instructed by ProbationZ) muted me instead of those doing the true harm.

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I think we won't be able to understand the operations of trans-phobia, homophobia, if we don't understand how certain kinds of links are forged between gender and sexuality in the minds of those who want masculinity to be absolutely separate from femininity and heterosexuality to be absolutely separate from homosexuality. If a person is homosexual by nature - that is, if one's sexuality is as intrinsic a part of one's identity as gender or skin color - then society can no more deny a gay person access to the secular rights and religious sacraments because of his homosexuality than it can reinstate


In this post you can clearly see a man being called ousted in chat as being gay, used in an offensive manor. I decided to steer the conversation away from outing this person by saying that its a requirement to be gay on the server. This was an attempt to show the person they are not alone in this fight to just be treated like anyone else. Instead of muting the people who used gay in an offensive and homophobic manor, joking at this persons expense, Ambology (instructed by ProbationZ) muted me instead of those doing the true harm.

Lol I subbed u becoz of dis
We`re all humans with our own opinions however I still don`t allow the word even if its a joke. Being part of the staff team is fun but takes alot of

I do not understand why people get mad against staff members because they ``false mute'' somebody. If they start making homophobic jokes with your name wouldn`t you rather have that certain player muted? instead of complaining for other players.

Try to see what the other player`s perspectives are and maybe think twice what would happen if we allowed the word.
-Easily exploited
-bigger issues
-players get offended due the fact that they were just ``joking'' about it

The staff team is always trying their best to keep the community under control. I do not have anything against gay people but please just know we`re only here to help.

I didn’t really think deciphering the context of the way a word is being used was a difficult thing but apparently it is
We`re all humans with our own opinions however I still don`t allow the word even if its a joke. Being part of the staff team is fun but takes alot of

I do not understand why people get mad against staff members because they ``false mute'' somebody. If they start making homophobic jokes with your name wouldn`t you rather have that certain player muted? instead of complaining for other players.

Try to see what the other player`s perspectives are and maybe think twice what would happen if we allowed the word.
-Easily exploited
-bigger issues
-players get offended due the fact that they were just ``joking'' about it

The staff team is always trying their best to keep the community under control. I do not have anything against gay people but please just know we`re only here to help.

Try to see what the other player`s perspectives are and maybe think twice what would happen if we allowed the word.
-Easily exploited
-bigger issues
-players get offended due the fact that they were just ``joking'' about it

Staff never come on survival so these things already happen lmao. Usually because of the lack of staff on survival, we have to handle issues that don’t require staff ourselves.

Also we get upset when staff false mute because if one staff member gets away with it, it tends to happen again. I never meant for this forum post to get out of hand and become overly hostile towards staff.
*** and considering we barely have staff on survival and if they are they are AFK, it’s annoying when a staff comes out of no where and mutes for something we never heard of or bans someone for “player disrespect”
I realize you all have a job to do, but there’s nothing wrong with players expressing their concerns and staff shouldn’t take it personally.

Also considering some staff mute for the word and some don’t, it lives a gray area for players on knowing if the word is okay and if it is not. If I didn’t make this forum post we wouldn’t know which staff mute for it and which don’t lol

If this is a solid rule (hopefully not one of the many unspoken rules) then I think there should be a list made by staff of updated rules because a lot of things aren’t mentioned in the rules.
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Try to see what the other player`s perspectives are and maybe think twice what would happen if we allowed the word.
-Easily exploited
-bigger issues
-players get offended due the fact that they were just ``joking'' about it

staff never come on survival so these things already happen lmao

that is because favoritism plays a role, Nobody would snitch their friend if there`s no current staff online. Aswell we got a special player report section so you`re always welcome to make use of it
that is because favoritism plays a role, Nobody would snitch their friend if there`s no current staff online. Aswell we got a special player report section so you`re always welcome to make use of it

if there’s a serious problem I always go to a staff either on discors or on the server . The player report section takes forever sometimes especially if it is urgent so I just reach out to staff directly :-)
if there’s a serious problem I always go to a staff either on discors or on the server . The player report section takes forever sometimes especially if it is urgent so I just reach out to staff directly :)
Staff are not allowed to punish players based on Discord reports.
I didn’t really think deciphering the context of the way a word is being used was a difficult thing but apparently it is
It's not that is necessarily hard, but as I said earlier there is too big of a gray area with it being offensive to some people and not to others. Every single time someone would get muted 2 things would happen, either they would claim that they are gay so they shouldn't be muted, or that it wasn't used in a derogatory way. And in case you haven't noticed, members don't tend to agree with staff so it'll always be the players vs staff. I don't want the staff to have to deal with that or have that constant hostile environment for anyone.
Staff are not allowed to punish players based on Discord reports.

I send people hacking or breaking rules through discord and Snapchat all the time whoops :0
It's not that is necessarily hard, but as I said earlier there is too big of a gray area with it being offensive to some people and not to others. Every single time someone would get muted 2 things would happen, either they would claim that they are gay so they shouldn't be muted, or that it wasn't used in a derogatory way. And in case you haven't noticed, members don't tend to agree with staff so it'll always be the players vs staff. I don't want the staff to have to deal with that or have that constant hostile environment for anyone.

I like a lot of the staff members so I really didn’t think this would be such a big deal. I know it’s always players vs staff but I think it’s good to have a discussion and see how both sides feel without it being a fight all the time.
EVEROYNE be complaining about gay and all that, but I'm here being falsely banned. :rolleyes::rolleyes::mad::mad::p
I'm genuinely floored that you have the audacity to turn up in a thread like this and try and make it about yourself, and your "false ban". This is a topic that's very important to a lot of people and a crucial matter for this server. This is not the time or place to bring up your personal problems that do not affect anyone but yourself, and by trying to hijack this thread, you're insulting all of the people who have genuine problems and concerns with this issue.

This shows extreme ignorance, narcissism, selfishness, and and an unbelievable lack of care or understanding for the world around you, as well as how clearly out of touch you are with actual problems faced by others. Regardless of if your ban was false or not, how you've conducted yourself in relation to it clearly demonstrates that you're not mature enough to handle social interactions, and I would highly recommend that the staff keep your ban in place regardless of it's original validity, simply so we don't have to deal with your selfishness impatience and lack of care for others, in the future.

Please don't reply again unless you have something meaningful to add to the thread.

Thanks to all others for making this an interesting and well thought out discussion, I hope a solution will be found that is positive for all involved.
I'm genuinely floored that you have the audacity to turn up in a thread like this and try and make it about yourself, and your "false ban". This is a topic that's very important to a lot of people and a crucial matter for this server. This is not the time or place to bring up your personal problems that do not affect anyone but yourself, and by trying to hijack this thread, you're insulting all of the people who have genuine problems and concerns with this issue.

This shows extreme ignorance, narcissism, selfishness, and and an unbelievable lack of care or understanding for the world around you, as well as how clearly out of touch you are with actual problems faced by others. Regardless of if your ban was false or not, how you've conducted yourself in relation to it clearly demonstrates that you're not mature enough to handle social interactions, and I would highly recommend that the staff keep your ban in place regardless of it's original validity, simply so we don't have to deal with your selfishness impatience and lack of care for others, in the future.

Please don't reply again unless you have something meaningful to add to the thread.

Thanks to all others for making this an interesting and well thought out discussion, I hope a solution will be found that is positive for all involved.
I would consider falsely banning folks whove spent alot on a server as a little more serious than your preference for how the word gay should be taken so u wrong lel
I would consider falsely banning folks whove spent alot on a server as a little more serious than your preference for how the word gay should be taken so u wrong lel

The fact that you replied shows your unbelievable ignorance. Go wash the dishes and take out the trash for your parents for a week so they'll buy you an unban, or give the staff time to respond to your appeal. This is 100% your problem, and does not have to do with any of us.
Like I said before, this thread needs to stay on topic. Please don't respond again unless you have something constructive to add.
Im going to try to be neutral about this. To best honest yes there are both sides to the use of the word"Gay" and following up on shafiq's reply in here he does have a point (In bold) in this conversation about the use of the word "gay". Most likely I believe the current rules about this will stay the same
We`re all humans with our own opinions however I still don`t allow the word even if its a joke. Being part of the staff team is fun but takes alot of

I do not understand why people get mad against staff members because they ``false mute'' somebody. If they start making homophobic jokes with your name wouldn`t you rather have that certain player muted? instead of complaining for other players.

Try to see what the other player`s perspectives are and maybe think twice what would happen if we allowed the word.
-Easily exploited
-bigger issues
-players get offended due the fact that they were just ``joking'' about it

The staff team is always trying their best to keep the community under control. I do not have anything against gay people but please just know we`re only here to help.
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