Skyblock Starter Island build event!

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Mar 7, 2016
Hello everyone!

I honestly can't even remember when we've last had an event hosted on Foxcraft. Thats why Im stoked to announce a new build event on Foxcraft.

This build event will be dedicated to new Skyblock Starter Islands. In total we are looking to add 3 new player made skyblock starter islands to both skyblock Glacier and skyblock Vulcan.

The rules for this event:
  1. Do not use mods to copy skyblock islands of other servers or anywhere else from the internet. (we will make sure the islands are unique when judging them)
  2. The island must be build on the Creative gamemode on Foxcraft, use the compass in the hub to get to creative or use /creative
  3. The build must be submitted to the correct forum here: (make sure to fill out the form entirely)
  4. You may only submit 1 skyblock starter island, so take your time and dont rush your build!
  5. Do not use any new blocks that you will find in minecraft versions 1.14 or 1.15 (it is recommended you build in version 1.12.2)
  6. Max dimensions are 40x40 (I prefer if islands are smaller then that)
Who is going to pick the 3 winning starter islands for skyblock?
The winners will be picked by the staff and @cloakfox collectively.

When does the event end and when are winners picked?
The event submissions will close February the 27th, winners are picked on February the 29th.
The islands will be playable a few days after winners are picked.

The 3 build submissions that are chosen as winners will receive the following rewards:
  • 15€ store giftcard
  • Ability to play skyblock on your own skyblock starter island on both our skyblock gamemodes (Glacier & Vulcan)

Thanks for reading and have fun with this event!

Check out submissions and submit your own Skyblock Starter Island here:
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