BearMart -being robbed by legion members again

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Dedicated Member
Jul 23, 2017
So, I went outside today and walked dogs. I decided Its a good thing to do than stay inside all day and I RETURN to being spammed with messages from my chest shop. What happened? ILL TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED. 2019-10-29_15.11.37.png3091 came to my shop and used a glitch, an exploit, whatever it would be called to steal 28/29 million from me... and I would like it back..
Now, this wouldn't be all bad if I got the shulkers he sold to me... but did I? NO ofc not.

3091 was banned and along with my money vanished into the darkness............... He gave a lot of it away, and to the nice people that gave some of it back, I appreciate it. Now I'm at 130 million and still looking for the rest of my money if it'll ever be found and returned to me....

But for everyone that has a chest shop, now that if someone renamed an item and tries to sell it to you, the chest shop still lets them sell it and keep it so they basically just get free money
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He renamed all the shulkers to sell them. We tested it, if you rename something and sell it, you can sell unlimited items, so its not good at all. Maybe take away buy shops for now, or just tell everyone to take theirs down, just so more people don't get scammed. The worst thing is, is that Tyler didn't even get the shulker boxes, so he can't even get his money back.
Wouldn't catch our Empire boys doing this, no sir! Those Legion scum oughta have their hands chopped off like in Sawdee Rabya!
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