Hello my name is Victor and im making this forum post because i had lots of requests from people who
wanted me to give them my design of my own made semi-auto Brewer that works on the skyblock gamemode.
I have tried many designs i found online but they don't work because of the special hoppers on the server and
because redstone is kinda broken on the server.
What is an Semi-Auto Brewer?
* A semi-auto brewer is a redstone build that produces lots of potions at a rapid speed.
It is a 'semi-auto' brewer which means u won't be able to afk next to it.
You will have to flip some levers to produce the pots.
Why would i want an Semi-Auto Brewer?
* A Semi-Auto Brewer can produce Strenght II and Speed II pots at a way faster way than
the regular minecraft way of creating pots which can save you lots of time.
Howmuch potions does the Semi-Auto Brewer produce?
* The brewer can make up to 16 double chests of pots in about 24 minutes of intense brewing if u add the
time it takes to warmup the brewer (the first pots that go in start as akward potions, the machine isnt full yet).
Thats about 48 pots every minute which is a ridiculous amount of pots at such a little amount of time.

Building necessities:
AVG cost of this build on Foxcraft: +/- 500.000 in-game money
1* build a platform thats 10 long and 7 wide
2* place 8 chests and 8 trapped chests on both sides (32 chests)
3* add hoppers to the outside of the chests (16 hoppers)
4* put a brewing stand on the hoppers I
5* add 2 hoppers to the brewing stands that go away from the platform I
6* put a brewing stand on the last hopper I
7* add 2 hoppers to the brewing stands that go away from the platform I
8* put a brewing stand on the last hopper I
9* add 3 hoppers to the brewing stands that go away from the platform v
10* put a double chest (normal/trapped chests) on the last hopper
Repeat steps 3-10 for the other side but mirrored
Step 2: Installing redstone under the hoppers and brewing stands
1* put a block with a redstone torch on it (above) under your first hopper
2* put a redstone repeater behind the blocks that goes into the block
3* put redstone behind the repeaters
4* put a block above the redstone
5* put a redstone torch on the block you just placed
6* put a redstone repeater behind the block that goes into the block
7* put redstone behind the repeaters
8* put a block above the redstone
9* put a redstone torch on the block you just placed
10* put a redstone repeater behind the block that goes into the block
11* put redstone behind the repeaters
12* put a redstone repeater behind the first redstone piece in the row of 8
Repeat steps 1-12 for the other side but mirrored
Step 3: Installing extention of the platform and placing levers and redstone
1* extend the platform on the side with 2 blocks with nothing on them with 1 row of blocks
2* extend the platform with 3 blocks in the middle
3* place 2 pillars of 2 blocks high on the 1st and the 3th block of step 2
4* place 2 levers on the highest block of the 2 pillars
5* go around the pillars and put 2 blocks behind the left pillar and 1 block behind the right (on first block of the pillar)
6* place a redstone torch against the pillar so that the lever and the torch are on the opposite side of each other.
7* place a redstone piece that goes out the torch (left side) and also a piece on the right side (which has 1 block)
8* make the right side go 2 down in a staircase
9* extend the redstone signal of the right side with 11 blocks to the right and 13 blocks to the left
10* now connect these ends with the redstone repeaters from step 2 *12
11* now put restone on the hoppers that go into brewing stands (put above the hoppers)
12* place a block with a redstone repeater on it thats connected with the row of redstone of step 11* (on the side of the levers)
13* repeat 11* and 12* for the opposite side
14* connect the 3 repeaters from 12* with blocks and redstone
15* add a block with a repeater on it next to the lowest redstone connection from 14*
16* repeat 14* and 15* for the opposite side
17* connect the restone signal from the left pillar with the repeaters from 15* with blocks and redstone without stopping
or connecting with the signal from the right pillar
optional part:
18* make a trapped row of water above the chest you will have to fill with water potions
19* add chests next to the row of water for storage of your glass bottles

your auto brewer should look like this now:

This is the most important part so make sure u read and understand everything below.
-fill all brewing stands with the right ingredients and
-fill the upper chests with 54 water bottles each (full double chest)
(!hoppers will move potions while u fill them) and
Step 2: making the potions:What we will be doing with the levers:
1- filling the brewing stand with potions from the previous brewing level
2- stopping the redstone signal from 1
3- emptying the finished potions to the next level
4- stopping the redstone signal from 3
IMPORTANT: (in other words what u will have to do)
1* pull the right lever down
---wait 26 seconds (or until every brewing stand is filled and finished with putting the ingredient in)
2* pull the right lever up
3* pull the left lever down
---wait 26 seconds (or until every brewing stand is empty)
4* pull the left lever up
(after the cycle all brewing stands should be empty)
repeat this cycle to continue brewing
(I recommend brewing all 16 double chests of potions in 1 time to prevent glitches and errors)

Because Foxcraft has other working hoppers and weird brewing stands you can run into errors after using
the auto brewer for a bit. I will tell u here which ones you can encounter and how to fix them. (will be updated if i discover more)
too many characters xd so her is a link:
you can always send me a DM if u have any questions about the build
tysm for reading and have a nice day
- VictorH1
the auto brewer for a bit. I will tell u here which ones you can encounter and how to fix them. (will be updated if i discover more)
too many characters xd so her is a link:
you can always send me a DM if u have any questions about the build
tysm for reading and have a nice day