Firstly welcome back! Secondly I have to say I'm a little astounded that u think I did a bad job with "ur store". Yes I'm the person who took it over.
I liked ur concept of the store and had to ask a lot of people to unclaim there part of the store they claimed. After I was able to gain a claim over the entire store, I started working on it. I expanded hallways, made some taller ...
I kept the concept cuz I hadn't and to this day still even haven't seen much warps/ shops that have a decent setup to find things u looking for easily. I also wanted to keep the concept as some sort of memory for u. After setting up a lot of chestshops, I expended on new items and after some time that I began to construct a 2nd floor. Because I'm involved with quite some projects at the moment, the pace is rather slow, but in my opinion I didn't do a bad job.
Well all I can say is I'm a little sad that in ur opinion "I destroyed the shop". Its not because its closed at the moment, that it is bad. If u had msgd me and talked to me I think we could have worked out something also.
Anyway, welcome back and looking forward to see ur new shop!