[This thread will be lengthy and i understand long post aren't for everyone so please exit the thread now instead of complaining in the comments]
So today at 7:30pm (it's 1:42am now) I went to my friends show it was called The Wholehearted, before I get into detail here is a definition of what wholehearted means
Being open and honest and not holding back
The play featured 7 actors who shared their stories on insecurities, They were true stories that they shared based on finding love, finding courage and dealing with family issues. The form of theatre is described as Physical theatre where you tell a story not just by spoken words but using your body to show emotions and to describe things, It's quite beautiful and another form to connect with the audience.
Here is the description given for the play:
A mystical heart-healer uncovers a world of characters all searching for a wholehearted life.
The broken-hearted through to the eternally optimistic tell stories of devotion, love lost & found and the Tinderverse. A physically charged exploration of vulnerability and the Superhero-inspired moments of our inner lives.
The play left me with questions and definitely made me feel a mixture of emotions like Guilt,Regret and Anger, Not because it was terrible or that the play was bad, The play was terrific but it made me feel angry that there were so many missed opportunities I had in my life, simply because of that tiny voice in my head that stopped me from taking control.
Some of the common fears that I myself and others face...
The fear of asking for help because it made you feel like a minority compared to someone else, The fear of asking someone out on a date because the feeling of rejection and humiliation was unbearable, The fear of taking risk because you'd rather not try something new and failing, The fear that you'll probably not learn from your mistakes and you'll end up repeating them over and over, The fear of being hurt so you encase yourself and protect yourself from everyone constantly pushing them away rather then letting them in and helping you out.
Here's a little story about myself...
I, like most others make mistakes, So when I'm about to deal with a situation for example asking someone out, Introducing myself to strangers or having to do public speaking infront of a large crowd of audience it feels like my existence flashes for a quick second where I end up thinking about every single **** up I've ever done, Thinking about my insecurities or somehow making new ones along the way, I also have trouble starting a conversation with a stranger on a train, bus or supermarket! The fear being awkward has stopped me from opportunities i had, Don't get me wrong I do talk to strangers okay so today I was at the supermarket I was on the hair color and dye aisle because I decided to dye my hair dark purple Ikr so edgy but there was also this women next to me who clearly looked like she was struggling, She was holding a piece of paper which was clearly written "58" which clearly meant it was the Cherry brown hair colour she wanted, So I decided to be the helpful guy I am and handed her her the boxed dye, It was the wrong dye. The dye she was looking for was "58" in a different brand which was blonde, Now. I know it sounds silly to make a big fuss about this but the idea of rejection and awkwardness was mildly unbearable so I decided to grab my dye and hide myself the entire time I was in the supermarket from her.
I decided to not take fear take control of my life, Meaning I have now decided to never listen to that tiny little guy in my head that keeps saying no, giving me scenarios to stop me from taking risk and putting myself in situations I wouldn't normally be in, Taking charge of my own life and having the courage to initiating conversations first with the strangers whether it's on the bus, train or anywhere in public, I want to see take opportunities to see where my life goes, Asking someone out and dealing with rejections if I have to and continuing because the chances are I'm going to do so much better if I take risk and throw myself out there then encasing myself and protecting myself from scenarios that probably won't ever happen.
This is something that I was thinking about and I just thought of writing this as a thread, no purpose really I just wanted to share my thoughts on this play I went and the positive effect it had on me.
I will surely update about my journey every week just to let people who are interested to know where I started and where I am now, an experiment to see how much I've changed and improved and the skills, experience I've learnt thus far
Question to everyone that have successfully read this
Share your story about situations you were in, opportunity you had but because of fear you lost it.
Feel free to share I won't judge
If you're feeling extra brave feel free to do this experiment and keep us updated
[There is most likely spelling and grammar mistakes in this thread, It's 3am bare with me]
So today at 7:30pm (it's 1:42am now) I went to my friends show it was called The Wholehearted, before I get into detail here is a definition of what wholehearted means
Being open and honest and not holding back
The play featured 7 actors who shared their stories on insecurities, They were true stories that they shared based on finding love, finding courage and dealing with family issues. The form of theatre is described as Physical theatre where you tell a story not just by spoken words but using your body to show emotions and to describe things, It's quite beautiful and another form to connect with the audience.
Here is the description given for the play:
A mystical heart-healer uncovers a world of characters all searching for a wholehearted life.
The broken-hearted through to the eternally optimistic tell stories of devotion, love lost & found and the Tinderverse. A physically charged exploration of vulnerability and the Superhero-inspired moments of our inner lives.
The play left me with questions and definitely made me feel a mixture of emotions like Guilt,Regret and Anger, Not because it was terrible or that the play was bad, The play was terrific but it made me feel angry that there were so many missed opportunities I had in my life, simply because of that tiny voice in my head that stopped me from taking control.
Some of the common fears that I myself and others face...
The fear of asking for help because it made you feel like a minority compared to someone else, The fear of asking someone out on a date because the feeling of rejection and humiliation was unbearable, The fear of taking risk because you'd rather not try something new and failing, The fear that you'll probably not learn from your mistakes and you'll end up repeating them over and over, The fear of being hurt so you encase yourself and protect yourself from everyone constantly pushing them away rather then letting them in and helping you out.
Here's a little story about myself...
I, like most others make mistakes, So when I'm about to deal with a situation for example asking someone out, Introducing myself to strangers or having to do public speaking infront of a large crowd of audience it feels like my existence flashes for a quick second where I end up thinking about every single **** up I've ever done, Thinking about my insecurities or somehow making new ones along the way, I also have trouble starting a conversation with a stranger on a train, bus or supermarket! The fear being awkward has stopped me from opportunities i had, Don't get me wrong I do talk to strangers okay so today I was at the supermarket I was on the hair color and dye aisle because I decided to dye my hair dark purple Ikr so edgy but there was also this women next to me who clearly looked like she was struggling, She was holding a piece of paper which was clearly written "58" which clearly meant it was the Cherry brown hair colour she wanted, So I decided to be the helpful guy I am and handed her her the boxed dye, It was the wrong dye. The dye she was looking for was "58" in a different brand which was blonde, Now. I know it sounds silly to make a big fuss about this but the idea of rejection and awkwardness was mildly unbearable so I decided to grab my dye and hide myself the entire time I was in the supermarket from her.
I decided to not take fear take control of my life, Meaning I have now decided to never listen to that tiny little guy in my head that keeps saying no, giving me scenarios to stop me from taking risk and putting myself in situations I wouldn't normally be in, Taking charge of my own life and having the courage to initiating conversations first with the strangers whether it's on the bus, train or anywhere in public, I want to see take opportunities to see where my life goes, Asking someone out and dealing with rejections if I have to and continuing because the chances are I'm going to do so much better if I take risk and throw myself out there then encasing myself and protecting myself from scenarios that probably won't ever happen.
This is something that I was thinking about and I just thought of writing this as a thread, no purpose really I just wanted to share my thoughts on this play I went and the positive effect it had on me.
I will surely update about my journey every week just to let people who are interested to know where I started and where I am now, an experiment to see how much I've changed and improved and the skills, experience I've learnt thus far
Question to everyone that have successfully read this
Share your story about situations you were in, opportunity you had but because of fear you lost it.
Feel free to share I won't judge

If you're feeling extra brave feel free to do this experiment and keep us updated
[There is most likely spelling and grammar mistakes in this thread, It's 3am bare with me]