Survival Shop

What is your opinion about /shop?

  • Survival is about collecting resources, remove it!

    Votes: 18 45.0%
  • It is ok if you prefer buying items over collecting them, but the prices are too low!

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • It is ok how it is right now.

    Votes: 19 47.5%
  • Something else (Post your opinion down below).

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Sep 23, 2017

If am getting a couple of messages from players who complain about /shop in Survival.
They say that it is Survival, and that there is no point of collecting resources when there is a shop with low prices, or a shop at all.

I am just curious how everyone thinks about it, so please leave your vote up here!

This does not mean the Shop is going to get changed right away or at all!

I think /shop isn't really a thing for survival since you don't gather the stuff yourself but you just buy it, even though... You have to get stuff to sell to gain money so that'll be even. And I personally like /shop since I'm kinda lazy and I'd rather buy stuff and sell other stuff then gather it all alone. but that's my opinion ofcourse
I think /shop isn't really a thing for survival since you don't gather the stuff yourself but you just buy it, even though... You have to get stuff to sell to gain money so that'll be even. And I personally like /shop since I'm kinda lazy and I'd rather buy stuff and sell other stuff then gather it all alone. but that's my opinion ofcourse
Even money shouldn't really be a thing in survival really. I'd much prefer survival back in it days when it was pure vanilla and no eco whatsoever.

But about this shop, I voted the first thing.
Survival with /shop is more like Factions without raiding. Survival should be economy and people should gather up resources. I would say we should keep the spawner shop for money but the /shop should be removed. Survival is supposed to be challenging and fun. With shop, it makes it very easy for players. Well that's just my opinion.
VP Kingdom and Vuzar states will not allow to remove survival shop , your actions are directed against us. We are busy with making polls against it.
VP Kingdom and Vuzar states will not allow to remove survival shop , your actions are directed against us. We are busy with making polls against it.
unfortunately, you and your friends don't control everybody. If the majority of people want it removed or changed you and your states do not have a higher say than the rest of us. Everybody is allowed to share their opinion.
VP Kingdom and Vuzar states will not allow to remove survival shop , your actions are directed against us. We are busy with making polls against it.

I am just curious about people their opinion about the shop. There is no need to create a new poll because there is already a poll up here.
Yo, I'm not a survival player. But I would like to share my opinion. When I first started minecraft, I played singleplayer. And it was great, I collected everything, I dont think the experience wouldve been as great if there was a /shop. This is literally SURVIVAL, you have to get your resoucres. And if you make a shop, you're just contradicting the server itself. I think anyone who whines saying they want a shop should just stop playing survival. This is a survival server where everything has to be 100% real

I also believe mcmmo levels should be removed, this is not factions. But Im going to keep that for a different thread

I know Im not a survival player, but my opinion is somehow true no matter how you look at it.

I think /shop isn't really a thing for survival since you don't gather the stuff yourself but you just buy it, even though... You have to get stuff to sell to gain money so that'll be even. And I personally like /shop since I'm kinda lazy and I'd rather buy stuff and sell other stuff then gather it all alone. but that's my opinion ofcourse
You being lazy is your fault, just play factions, or start playing skyblock lol.
Listen Yall... I am A Former survival player.... Have to say: Survival will be 100 times worse without shop!!!

People are getting cash from it. People are buying blocks for AMAZING builds! Don;'t remove that! it's one of the most NEEDED features!


p.s. - I am A Donator :p so I need the donator tag.. and on discord.... ofc.
Listen Yall... I am A Former survival player.... Have to say: Survival will be 100 times worse without shop!!!

People are getting cash from it. People are buying blocks for AMAZING builds! Don;'t remove that! it's one of the most NEEDED features!


p.s. - I am A Donator :p so I need the donator tag.. and on discord.... ofc.
Its survival. You have to go get stuff. Every single survival vanilla block is obtainable through one way or another, you as a player should be able to obtain that block witout a shop l
Its survival. You have to go get stuff. Every single survival vanilla block is obtainable through one way or another, you as a player should be able to obtain that block witout a shop l
How often do you play survival ? , photos of our city [shop helped us to build it] : ,
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Never. Doesnt matter if it helped you rebuild it. LMFAO. Thats not the point, honestly if you follow that logic. You're quite stupid. It is survival. S U R V I V A L. Shops sshouldnt be there lol.
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