Hey there,
I guess you're here to learn how to fish, how to enchant, how to use CustomFishing to the best possible ability you can. Well you're at the perfect place because this guide is going to give you all the quick and short tips to get great at fishing on Skyblock.
How Do I get started?
Well, to start the plugin, the easiest thing to do is shift + click with a fishing rod in your hand or do /fish menu.
To begin fishing like a professional, every great fisher needs a trusty fishing rod, the enchantments you'll need and I recommend having are: Luck of the Sea, Lure, Mending and Unbreaking They're all the basic enchantments for a fishing rod.
Once you have a fishing rod you can simply start catching your fish. The best biome for catching higher fish without the Biome Disruption augment is the Jungle, you can change the biomes with /is biomes. The best warp at the moment where you can fish is /wwarp go lynn_kamps
What do the different /fish menu options do?
The top two items are your currently held fishing rod and a shortcut to your statistics which can also be accessed through /fish stats.
The centre items in order from left to right:
- Fish Sell Shop, this is the shop you use to sell fish for in-game money, you can sell every kind of fish including base game fish. Can also be accessed through /fish shop
- Deliveries, a quest system for the plugin, can help with levelling up and gaining entropy quicker. Deliveries give a range of rewards including fishing crates and other cool things. It can also be accessed with /fish deliveries.
- Codex, the codex is a menu that allows you to view the wide range of custom fish that the plugin has. Can be accessed through /fish codex.
- Scales, the scales menu is used to weigh fish, it comes with a risk but can help improve the selling price of your fish (not gutting). Can be accessed with /fish scales
- Fish Bag, the fish bag menu is used to view the statistics of what fish you have caught and saved for later, it can be used like a portable chest for fish and a larger menu for selling fish without the specific fish boost found in the sell shop. Can be accessed with /fish bag
- Gutting Station, the gutting station is the menu that allows you to sell your fish for entropy. Can be accessed through /fish gut.
- Skill points, the skill points menu can be ignored as it is going to be a feature that the plugin creator is currently working on.
- Augments, the augments menu is how you access the augment list and a few options which include: Putting the augments onto your rod, removing all augments from your rod, and extracting 10,000 entropy into your inventory. Can be accessed through /fish augment or for the list of augments use /fish augments.
- Totem, this menu is unlocked upon reaching level 50, it displays how to create the multi-block structure and some short information about it.
The Totem, what is it?
The Totem requires you to be fishing level 50 to unlock. It is a multi-block structure that allows you to get special effects based upon a time limit, also having a cooldown. Once you have built the structure after unlocking, you mist right click the first observer block with a fishing rod in order to access the Totem GUI. In addition to that, there are lots of upgrades for the totem, so I'll be going through each one Here
What are the custom items and mobs in fishing?
- Crabs: Crabs are silverfish that can be fished up while fishing at a base chance of 5% (Without Crab Bait)
Augment ingredients:
- Crab Claws: This is dropped at a base chance of 20% from Crabs
- Dolphin Tails: This is dropped at a base chance of 70% from Dolphins
- Squid Tentacles: This is dropped at a base chance of 10% from Squids
- Mythical: This is as above but Mythical
- Crab: This is as above but boosts crab catch chance
- Entropy: These can come in different numbers, including 1.5x and 2x. They boost all entropy from catching fish, does not include gutting or perception.
How do I get the custom ingredients?If you want to get the dolphin tails, Get yourself a dolphin spawner and start killing them (Be sure to place it at between Y value 45 to Sea level, which is by default Y value 64, to view your Y value it is the middle number in your co-ordinates in F3). You can also ask if someone has a dolphin spawner you may use.
If you want crab components, you have a chance of fishing up a crab which is a silverfish named Crab, you must kill that for a chance of it dropping ingredients. People also often sell crab drops so it's worth asking in chat if you prefer a quicker method.
For Squid Tentacles, you can create farms using squid spawners or find them in the wild quickly. You may also ask in chat if someone has a farm you could use.
Lets get to the point before you get too bored
Augments?Well, to begin with, Augments are Custom enchantments you can add onto your fishing rod through /fish augment. There are a list of the augments you can obtain and what they do in /fish augments but there is a link to a list at the bottom of this thread to make it easier to read.
What is the best order to get augments? By opinion of Lynn_kamps & myself (Tristan_Kamps)Before we begin, make sure when crafting each augment you have a high enough level (/fish stats) to craft it, including the precise ingredients. You can only craft one augment in one cauldron at any given time. In my experience you are best off starting with maxing out Hot Spot, once that is maxed out you want to max out Call of The Storm; (This is completely useless on Skyblock since there is no rain, so you can skip this) once you start getting the call of the storm. Once you have those two maxed you should have enough crab scales and claws to get Crab Bait, this will make it much easier to farm crabs for more augments. Next, Precision cutting will be useful when gutting the fish as it can help with gaining more entropy. As soon as you are done with precision cutting max out Perception, this should use up the claws that you have left over from crab bait. Once all that is done, check if you are above level 40. If you are not then use your crab loot for Sage, if you are then you can skip sage and gather more crab loot for maxing out the best custom, Master Fisherman. As soon as that is maxed you can focus on Tsunami, Throughout this, if you plan is to sell fish you will also want to craft Solar Rage and Trophy.
That is all you need to know about Custom fishing in order to become awesome at using it. Thread created and maintained by @tristan_kamps feel free to contact me on Discord or in-game about any other questions.
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