Hello Everyone, My Name is ofort
Want to Win a free Skyfox Rank on kitpvp
Ofcourse you do everyone would. So today in an attempt to bring Kitpvp back to its former Glory I am proudly announcing that I will be hosting an event for the next few weeks starting on the 15th of January where there will be rewards for the top 3 people who get the most kills from the 15th Jan to 15th Feb.
These rewards will include:
1st Place Skyfox Rank (Gamemode of choice)
2nd Place Wolf Rank (Gamemode of Choice)
3rd Place Legendary Key (Gamemode of Choice)
For the event to take place there must be an average of 5-10 people. So everyone is invited to come along and play invite all of your friends get a massive kitpvp community together join in on the fun. It doesn't matter whether your good or bad at pvp or you are OG or new just come along and participate I want to see so many new people there so spread the word and start recruiting your friends.
Bring Everyone
Want to Win a free Skyfox Rank on kitpvp
Ofcourse you do everyone would. So today in an attempt to bring Kitpvp back to its former Glory I am proudly announcing that I will be hosting an event for the next few weeks starting on the 15th of January where there will be rewards for the top 3 people who get the most kills from the 15th Jan to 15th Feb.
These rewards will include:
1st Place Skyfox Rank (Gamemode of choice)
2nd Place Wolf Rank (Gamemode of Choice)
3rd Place Legendary Key (Gamemode of Choice)
For the event to take place there must be an average of 5-10 people. So everyone is invited to come along and play invite all of your friends get a massive kitpvp community together join in on the fun. It doesn't matter whether your good or bad at pvp or you are OG or new just come along and participate I want to see so many new people there so spread the word and start recruiting your friends.
Bring Everyone