Person 1: That new guy is answering every single topic, but not really saying much. Person 2: He's probably just post farming. (adj.) That post farming noob!
Post Farming
Say "NO!" To Postfarming!
Postfarming is posting purely for the purpose of gaining messages. This is also known as spam.
How do you Postfarm?
Easy. Simply post in a thread something that is not full of meaning, and watch your post count go up. You can literally just say "I agree", and there's not much anyone can do about you not using the rating. Another easy trick is to post an offtopic thread in General Discussion, then post a lot in there.
Waaaaaait... aren't you the punk who had like 500+ post farmed messages?!
You could say that, yes xD I wanted to have the most, and it was fairly easy to do so. I continued to post, and got my counter to 500. People don't like that, and for good reason. It wasn't fair of me to do so, and I'm glad that I had my messages reset. Please Remember: Even if someone post farms, not EVERY post is postfarm.
LOL! I post farm, and I've got TONS of messages! What are you going to do about it?
There's nothing I can do about it, but I DO have something to say to you. Just stop.1) It's a waste of time. What's accomplished by getting posts? Some dopamine? Not worth it.
2) It's a disrespect to people who've spent YEARS getting up to 2000+ posts like [GS]Phobos! I got a fourth of that in a matter of weeks. How is that fair? It's not.
3) It doesn't help you get Helper. The staff have stated this.
4) "HA! Well you can't tell ME what to do!" It's against the rules. If it's excessive enough, action will most likely be taken.
A lot of people post farm. So, I'd ask you to stop. It's much more enjoyable to not, trust me. Not going to name names.
Please remember, there's no reason to hate people who postfarm. Instead of telling them that they're immature, why not just try to get them to stop?
Finally, "This thread is highly hypocritical!" Yes, yes it is. I've stopped post farming though, and no longer want to.