Obs recording black screen?!

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Active Member
Aug 3, 2017

I heard many issues from players that their Obs is recording black screen when they want to record hackers.
I'm going to show you how to fix the problem!

Step 1:
Delete all sources.

Step 2:
Create a new source for your minecraft, (game capture)

Step 3:
Dont click on Full screen. But click on Specific Window.

Step 4:
Click on Minecraft (Make sure you have opened Minecraft!)

Step 5:
Click on Apply

Step 6: Now you can record whenever you want!
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Lmfao, this is a server forums not a forums so u can get ur irl problems solved
Some people want to record hackers but then they have this issue, so i dont get your point really..
Lmfao, this is a server forums not a forums so u can get ur irl problems solved
And on other server forums, youre allowed to make this.
Some people want to record hackers but then they have this issue, so i dont get your point really..
And on other server forums, youre allowed to make this.
Use bandicam? XD
OBS is really easy to install and use...
And if you have problems you can just look it up on google or at their site.

But yeah atleast someone is helping them a little bit so Good Work WimKobus
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