Hello everyone,
It's nice to see everyone back on Foxcraft forums again, I'm not going to lie without forums my day had become quite dull and i had to "Socialise with my friends", I know scary @C2Obezerk had to go through my little rant on Skyblock, Anyways I had a habit of waking up in the morning checking recents threads being posted or replying to my notifications since it was gone i had some time to think...
We don't really get to acknowledge the things we have and are fortunate to have, I'm fortunate to be involved in a great community where everyone is respected, Well most of the times at-least and everyones opinions means something, Yes even the most ridiculous opinions do too. But as i was saying we don't acknowledge the things we have until we loose it, It was quite devastating to see the community we built wiped away, All the memories, messages and threads were gone as if nothing ever existed in the first place.
The point of my thread is i want everyone to take full advantage of this opportunity to be more positive, Make this community far stronger than it was before, We are all great people and i've met quite amazing players on Foxcraft, To those who haven't had a great reputation in the past this is your chance to start over, It's never too late experience the full potential of what this community has to offer
I would also like to thank Leon (@cloakfox) for taking a day or two off from school so he could bring forums back to life, Thank you for your dedication man
It's nice to see everyone back on Foxcraft forums again, I'm not going to lie without forums my day had become quite dull and i had to "Socialise with my friends", I know scary @C2Obezerk had to go through my little rant on Skyblock, Anyways I had a habit of waking up in the morning checking recents threads being posted or replying to my notifications since it was gone i had some time to think...
We don't really get to acknowledge the things we have and are fortunate to have, I'm fortunate to be involved in a great community where everyone is respected, Well most of the times at-least and everyones opinions means something, Yes even the most ridiculous opinions do too. But as i was saying we don't acknowledge the things we have until we loose it, It was quite devastating to see the community we built wiped away, All the memories, messages and threads were gone as if nothing ever existed in the first place.
The point of my thread is i want everyone to take full advantage of this opportunity to be more positive, Make this community far stronger than it was before, We are all great people and i've met quite amazing players on Foxcraft, To those who haven't had a great reputation in the past this is your chance to start over, It's never too late experience the full potential of what this community has to offer
I would also like to thank Leon (@cloakfox) for taking a day or two off from school so he could bring forums back to life, Thank you for your dedication man