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Nov 26, 2016
Hi, I'm EpicCarol! I love playing on Fox Craft. I'm here because of what happened recently on the creative server, on 11/25/2016, somewhere near 8:00 pm, to the next morning. I had built a big RP on my plot, which took up every little nook and crany. I had trusted only two players. rpageemk, and LisaDoesFashion. rpageemk is really nice, and would do nothing to hurt a fly. But Lisa, she went on somewhere last night, and destroyed (griefed) my whole plot. I could not rebuild it because there was no foundation left, to where I couldn't recognize one room from the other. Unfortunately, I could not get and snapshots of Lisa, or the wreck. By telling my story Im hoping that I can get help, and ban this nasty, destructive player once and for all. If you have been griefed yourself, I'm hoping that you will help me. I also hope that any staff will see this and give LisaDoesGaming the punishment she deserves. Thank You for reading. I'm counting on you!
First of all, welcome to forums! Second of all, I'm afraid grieving isn't against the rules. If it was, you would have needed some kind of proof. These things happen. :c
Welcome :D
But I'm afraid that griefers are only the player's responsabillity for trusting them, and not of the staff :(
But I do find it a horrible thing...
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