August 2023
- Added 30+ new hat cosmetics
- Added /team baltop
- Added item drop protection feature that prevents valuable items from being burnt in lava
- Added /nv (night vision) to FoxGod & FoxGoddess ranks
- Updated rank voucher item type to Nether Star - new vouchers are tradable on /ah
- Added item drop protection feature that prevents valuable items from being burnt in lava
- Updated rank voucher item type to Nether Star - new vouchers are tradable on /ah
- Added item drop protection feature that prevents valuable items from being burnt in lava
- Updated rank voucher item type to Nether Star - new vouchers are tradable on /ah
- Made inactive claim checker more strict - now requires more bonus claimblocks to be exempt
- Decreased shop buy prices
- Decreased shop sell prices
- Increased speed of lumberjack minions
- Increased speed of slayer minions
- Increased range of miner minions
Screenshots from the small sumo event on Survival (Thanks @Deannn for hosting!):
Congratulations to the top voters of August:
1. BirdDragon3 with 175 votes! | +500 vote points (€10)
2. Bobmcgob with 169 votes! | +400 vote points (€8)
3. ellebree with 163 votes! | +300 vote points (€6)
4. dragonaster with 160 votes! | +200 vote points (€4)
5. OzzyKP with 157 votes! | +100 vote points (€2)