literally why have you disabled 1.9+ items (not all but ye)? on survival? should rename it like non-vanilla bs excuse for survival
u added a SHOP, removed PVP and MOB damage, MADE IT TO KIDS WITH NO ITEMS AND RUN AROUND AND BUILD COBBLESTONE C*CKS arouind YOUR BASES LOL YOU ADDED ECONOMY, REMOVED all the 1.9 stuff (not all), the offhand is useless shields are useless pretty sure you can what is this/??????????? we cant even use SHIELDS and OUR SECOND HAND why THO no PVP IN CLAIMS, PEOPLE LIKE AFONSOGAMER1234 MAKE CLAIMS AND CAMP IN IT THEN CMBT TAG KIDS AND TRAP THEM WHAT IS THIS???? @cloakfox u was like "o i wan children to build gardens and flowers" but n0w we can't use the main aspect of survival which was apparently building in ur opinion?>??? wot??? theres like 1000000 bugs every 5 mins kids BUILDING lava **** in their claims and u sit there and cant do anything DED SALTY RN #TRIGGERED @iBrady ik u get spammed all the time but people have wanted changes for the good for years and its never happened so sorry since its not ur fault
i want to use the offhand and al lthe stuff u removed by adding 1.7 into a 1.12 gamemode o my gurd
u added a SHOP, removed PVP and MOB damage, MADE IT TO KIDS WITH NO ITEMS AND RUN AROUND AND BUILD COBBLESTONE C*CKS arouind YOUR BASES LOL YOU ADDED ECONOMY, REMOVED all the 1.9 stuff (not all), the offhand is useless shields are useless pretty sure you can what is this/??????????? we cant even use SHIELDS and OUR SECOND HAND why THO no PVP IN CLAIMS, PEOPLE LIKE AFONSOGAMER1234 MAKE CLAIMS AND CAMP IN IT THEN CMBT TAG KIDS AND TRAP THEM WHAT IS THIS???? @cloakfox u was like "o i wan children to build gardens and flowers" but n0w we can't use the main aspect of survival which was apparently building in ur opinion?>??? wot??? theres like 1000000 bugs every 5 mins kids BUILDING lava **** in their claims and u sit there and cant do anything DED SALTY RN #TRIGGERED @iBrady ik u get spammed all the time but people have wanted changes for the good for years and its never happened so sorry since its not ur fault
i want to use the offhand and al lthe stuff u removed by adding 1.7 into a 1.12 gamemode o my gurd