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Aug 28, 2016

I'm here to introduce a new team. The name of the team is LegionWarriors. But the name is too long, so in game you will see it as: LegionW. It is combined with the Legion team, but just a different branch of the team. Legion will be known for building and doing the stuff they have been doing, LegionWarriors will be helping with what Legion is doing, as well as more combat.

I am the owner of LegionW, if anyone is interested in joining, they are to speak to me and no one else. It is my decision of who does and doesn't get into the team. This team will not be as competitive as my old team, Warriors was, but I would still like to see a little bit of action and drama going on.

There have been some people asking me why I ended warriors. The main reason I closed the team was because the team was very innactive, I was thinking about ending the team, but I finally decided to when the team glitched, I don't know how it happened, but everyone in the Warriors team was forced into another team, and all the team homes were gone. So that was the final blow of warriors.

If you have any questions of LegionW, please speak to me in game, or in forums.
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