So after selling netherwart for a while I decided to afk for two reasons one, get a break from the computer and two test how effective my farms were. I was gone for an hour and a half maybe two hours, but I come back to my chat going crazy with the messages below. I was obviously confused bc I had bid on the item a while ago but I realized what was happening and the reason this happened was bc my inventory was full.This caused the command to repeat over and over bc it couldn't fit the item into my inventory.
Luckily it wasn't a lot of money or else that would have been really bad I think I lost around 300k or something like that idk if this is refund worthy or not,I hope no-one else makes this mistake and hopefully not with a greater price.
Luckily it wasn't a lot of money or else that would have been really bad I think I lost around 300k or something like that idk if this is refund worthy or not,I hope no-one else makes this mistake and hopefully not with a greater price.