Ingame ranks linked to the forums! And new /f war gamemodes! (KOTHS, CTF, TDM)

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Mar 7, 2016
Hay hello!

Today I have implemented something that has been suggested/requested multiple times. Due to restrictions with our setup, we were never able to add it even though it was very possible.

Since a lot has changed in that time (around a year now), we were able to add it!
Basically, the forums check on login (in-game) if you have a donator rank (doesn't matter which one). If you do have a rank, it will automatically add you to the Donator group on the forums, which gives as of now just a nice looking yellow Donator banner.

This is only going to work if your forums name and in-game name are the same!

Here is what it looks like: upload_2016-9-22_9-55-57.png

I hope you guys like this addition!

Now, on to the faction news!
Yesterday, I was testing some of the new /f war gamemodes with the developer who made the whole system. He showed me 3 all new and unique gamemodes you can play with the command /f war in about a week or so.

The new gamemodes:
CTF: Capture the enemy flag and return it to your base, the enemy will try the same thing. First time to capture a set amount of flags wins!
TDM: Fight for a set amount of time in the arena, and try and get as many kills for your team as you can. The team with the most kills at the end of the match wins!
KOTH: King of the hill, stand close to beacons, in order to capture them. Once captured your team will receive points while the flag is captured, and the timer goes on. When the enemy team captures the flag that was once yours, it moves to a different location. First team to reach the set amount of points wins!

These will most likely be released somewhere next week!

Thanks for reading,

- Cloakfox
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Don't forget about that /fly in claimed land :(
Even though my base is 1/2 finished now would help me gen quicker xd
Don't forget about that /fly in claimed land :(
Even though my base is 1/2 finished now would help me gen quicker xd
I would rater REMOVE the comments like /god and /fly
its to op ingame My legit base with so many oby got raided because gamemasterdk used /god on my roof and shoot tnt at the base and there is nothing I could do? u want to play that way? make it legit block by block no fly no god just like all others!
make it fair!
Awesome..... umm i have foxking on skyblocks why don't i have it here...
foxking works not on all server games here If u buy it for factions U only have it at faction magma and faction cove Or buy it on skywars/skyblock and u have it on vulcan and glacier but not at factions its a different gameplay... so if u want it there u need to buy it there...
foxking works not on all server games here If u buy it for factions U only have it at faction magma and faction cove Or buy it on skywars/skyblock and u have it on vulcan and glacier but not at factions its a different gameplay... so if u want it there u need to buy it there...
no here on the forums, i have it on skyblocks but not on the forums, i want my donator rank but i don't on the forums but have it on skyblocks @cloakfox
no here on the forums, i have it on skyblocks but not on the forums, i want my donator rank but i don't on the forums but have it on skyblocks
then I can't help you man U could try to make an bug report to say its bugged and have to be fixed they will look at it :D!
I would rater REMOVE the comments like /god and /fly
its to op ingame My legit base with so many oby got raided because gamemasterdk used /god on my roof and shoot tnt at the base and there is nothing I could do? u want to play that way? make it legit block by block no fly no god just like all others!
make it fair!
Thanks for your opinion but he already added it BECAUSE I ASKED THANKS BYE
[doublepost=1474567103,1474566957][/doublepost]ayyy im a donor and i dont have da sign lmao
Again read the thread.
Basicly the forums check on login (ingame) if you have a donator rank (doesnt matter wich one). If you do have a rank, it will automaticly add you in the Donator group on the forums, wich gives as of now just a nice looking yellow Donator banner.
keep waiting cloak is doing the bestest he can to make it all work out well for you guys in the main time please calm down and let him do his work :D!
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