A lot of you are probably expecting this and some maybe not. I am obviously inactive and I am going to be even more inactive once school starts. I don't enjoy minecraft anymore and with school and sports I won't give myself time to even get on Minecraft. I love Foxcraft and the community because it is unique and different from other servers. I've met a lot of people and I will miss them. I probably won't be on Minecraft ever again but I will stay in the discord if any of you want to talk to me. This is going to look like a lot of resignation posts saying I wish best of luck for Foxcraft and the community and honestly I do. Foxcraft has taught me stuff about myself and I am leaving with new friends. If any of you want to contact me I probably wont be on the forums but my discord is MaxyPad#0525. I'm not going to list the people I want to thank because it is too long but most of you should know who you are. Anyways I'm leaving it there. Goodbye!