As many people know, factions magma has been duped on. Due to a duping glitch that existed on old factions, people are now able to dupe. People have duped anything you can imagine, from ig's, armor, and even vote keys. I think that the factions magma server should be reset in order to start a new. I know that some people have cords to bases filled with billions of dollars worth of ig's, and many dubs of god sets. If you are unaware of this glitch, or did not abuse it. Thank you. If you agree that factions magma should be reset tell me, and tag @cloakfox on your reply. If not, tell me, and dont tag @cloakfox. Although many people on factoins may have spent real life money, then I am sorry, but if you have, there is always going to be those people with duped items. Thanks for reading. P.S. I personally think that factions should be reset in order to have a more run factions season @cloakfox.