Creative update! "The Vehicles update"

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Mar 7, 2016
Hello Foxcrafters!

I have updated creative today yet again and have added something really awesome to the gamemode I think everybody will enjoy!

By reading the title you probably already know, but I have added in Vehicles on creative. This was a huge feature back in the day for creative, but got never updated.
Well that has been changed as of today.

I have added the following Vehicles for the following ranks:

Player: Black Bike (/bike)
Member: Orange Bike (/bike) (free vehicle you get by signing up on our forums!)
Donator All Bikes (/bike)
Vip: All Cars (/car)
Skyfox: All Trains (/train)
Shadowfox: All Tanks (/tank)
Mysticfox: All Helicopters (/helicopter)
Foxking: all Planes! (/plane)
Foxqueen: all Planes! (/plane)

Ofcourse higher ranks get all of the vehicles the rank below get's too.

I have also removed the genders plugin due to poor optimizations, and being laggy in general.
So that means creative lag is mostly fixed, if it hasnt been fixed 100% yet.
And fixed buycraft /buy.

Here are some screenshots so you can get an idea of what they look like ingame.

Thanks for reading,

- Cloakfox
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Are there the commands where you can send people vehichles? Those sucked. Got spammed so much.
Also, do they still glitch a lot and do random stuff?

If not, then this is a cool update, which I'll try out.
Where's my pink lambo
In the driveway waiting for you <3
Are there the commands where you can send people vehichles? Those sucked. Got spammed so much.
Also, do they still glitch a lot and do random stuff?

If not, then this is a cool update, which I'll try out.
vehicles automaticly get removed on logout to prevent them being cluttered on random peoples plots, and as far as I could tell they all worked smooth.
vehicles automaticly get removed on logout to prevent them being cluttered on random peoples plots, and as far as I could tell they all worked smooth.
Yesss! Thanks, Cloak! Love it. The vehicles really catch your eye, and that's why I played FC creative.
The question wasn't answered if the /givecar command to other players was removed I believe. This was a suggestion from me on OLD forums which fixed it at the time unknown if it still works like that though as i'm on vacation.
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