Creative Server Updates

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Mar 6, 2016
Hi all,

Just wanted to update you all on some of the Creative changes we've put through today.

Over the last few hours, we applied our "redesign" and have updated player and Donator commands. Your experience on the server should greatly improve now that everything is a lot more neater and fancier.

Additionally and as previously announced, Creative is the first on the list to be removed from the global rank system. Of course, you'll keep your rank if you bought a Global package before. New, per server packages will be added to the store later today. Please find the new Donator commands by clicking this link:

Edit: If you can't build on your plot please claim it again. (/plot claim) While hovering/standing on it.
We hope you're enjoying all these updates and thank you for playing Foxcraft.

Edit2: Ranks are now also seperate on Creative!

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Thanks for the updates! Does it now say welcome to creative when someone joins? (It was saying welcome to factins vulcan)
Hi all,

Just wanted to update you all on some of the Creative changes we've put through today.

Over the last few hours, we applied our "redesign" and have updated player and Donator commands. Your experience on the server should greatly improve now that everything is a lot more neater and fancier.

Additionally and as previously announced, Creative is the first on the list to be removed from the global rank system. Of course, you'll keep your rank if you bought a Global package before. New, per server packages will be added to the store later today. Please find the new Donator commands by clicking this link:

Edit: If you can't build on your plot please claim it again. (/plot claim) While hovering/standing on it.
We hope you're enjoying all these updates and thank you for playing Foxcraft.

Edit2: Ranks are now also seperate on Creative!

Thanks for the update.
Um This Update isnt good, 1. I spent my money to have benefits for the servers and now i have to buy them all over again?!? Hell no This is not fair!!
Um This Update isnt good, 1. I spent my money to have benefits for the servers and now i have to buy them all over again?!? Hell no This is not fair!!
You do not have to buy them over again. If they did that everyone would be mad:p
Hi all,

Just wanted to update you all on some of the Creative changes we've put through today.

Over the last few hours, we applied our "redesign" and have updated player and Donator commands. Your experience on the server should greatly improve now that everything is a lot more neater and fancier.

Additionally and as previously announced, Creative is the first on the list to be removed from the global rank system. Of course, you'll keep your rank if you bought a Global package before. New, per server packages will be added to the store later today. Please find the new Donator commands by clicking this link:

Edit: If you can't build on your plot please claim it again. (/plot claim) While hovering/standing on it.
We hope you're enjoying all these updates and thank you for playing Foxcraft.

Edit2: Ranks are now also seperate on Creative!

Thanks for the great update Affixes! The only thing I was curious about was why the pet Enderdragon has been removed?
Sounds like you guys are even thirstier for money then before c;
Foxcraft was one of the few servers that did Global Ranks, Many servers that I've been on do separate ranks for each specific server and they're much more expensive than the prices for each server Foxcraft is offering, If Foxcraft Is adding more perks for each server and even more features I'm definitely on board with this idea it will also bring new players to the server so I don't see an issue with this.

Edit: You also need to understand that not many players go on other servers, Most players only play one specific server or 2 if they become really bored, It's a great feature to add for players who play one specific server and can get a cheaper upgrade for that server rather than paying more for global which they won't even play on
Um This Update isnt good, 1. I spent my money to have benefits for the servers and now i have to buy them all over again?!? Hell no This is not fair!!
I agree more than ever. If people on Foxcraft wasted their money on ranks, then why take them away? We donated to you because you were a good server that wasn't very thirsty for money. Seriously? I mean, if we paid, we should have our right to get our perks. Are you trying to make our favorite server the server you can only see us through ./seen?

pls i beg staph this madness
I agree more than ever. If people on Foxcraft wasted their money on ranks, then why take them away? We donated to you because you were a good server that wasn't very thirsty for money. Seriously? I mean, if we paid, we should have our right to get our perks. Are you trying to make our favorite server the server you can only see us through ./seen?

pls i beg staph this madness
I like the 2nd to last sentence
Yes they are getting rid of the ranks on creative and you will have to rebuy the perks one by one
I agree more than ever. If people on Foxcraft wasted their money on ranks, then why take them away? We donated to you because you were a good server that wasn't very thirsty for money. Seriously? I mean, if we paid, we should have our right to get our perks. Are you trying to make our favorite server the server you can only see us through ./seen?

pls i beg staph this madness

Whoever bought Global Rank will keep their rank on every server apart from factions since its separate.
They will remove Global rank from Buycraft and make it so every server will be a separate purchase in a couple of weeks time.
This update only affects player who never bought a Global rank and now has to buy seperate ranks for each server they wish to upgrade on. If you have a Global Rank now you will keep them and won't be affected by this.
Whoever bought Global Rank will keep their rank on every server apart from factions since its separate.
They will remove Global rank from Buycraft and make it so every server will be a separate purchase in a couple of weeks time.
This update only affects player who never bought a Global rank and now has to buy seperate ranks for each server they wish to upgrade on. If you have a Global Rank now you will keep them and won't be affected by this.

thanks for letting me know lel
I am not trying to be any trouble, but I really don't like this update... People who have bought ranks payed for the perks they knew they were going to get, and as of now they don't have what they payed for. As a mysticfox on the server, I had many perks before that I don't have anymore. I know you are only trying to make the server better, but I think you should re-consider some things you have done to creative.
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