- Posting in "Prison Servers" is no longer possible (Posting in "Regular" and "OP" Prison works)
- Posting in the Contests forum is no longer possible
- Users can no longer see other member's posts in the reports & appeals section
- Set tags to "Member" instead of "Player"
- Set conversation limit to 15 members
- Added username changing (Minimum 10 posts, 10 days cooldown per change)
- Fixed scoreboards
- Removed Anti-combatlog due to stability issues
- Removed Strength (potions) overall
- Raised some shop prices
- You can now use messaging commands in-game (Staff can now also punish players while playing)
- Fixed spectator chat
- Set it so only Skyfox+ can vote for time/weather of the game
- Raised /ah limit to 3 items
- Fixed issues with the "Random Items" category in the shop
- Added Jobs (/jobs help)
- Added mobdrop,s heads, farming,... to the "Random Items" shop
- Slightly modified spawner pricing
- Removed knockback cookies due to stability issues
- Tweaked anticheat (AAC)
- Fixed mining in the D mine
- Fixed an issue where players could go out of the map