- Fixed crash instance
- Fixed typo's in minion upgrade prices
- Improved fisher minion fish rates
- Added mobfarm to /warp menu
- Enabled weather (for some reason it was disabled) (this fixes issues with some enchantments that use lightning, and restores some vanilla mechanics)
- Fixed missing /checkchunk permissions
- Seperated /repair and & /fix commands (so you can check your repair skill more easily)
- Added pre-fill kingdom name with /k create {name} (for when you are muted L)
- Fixed being able to break item-frames, paintings & armorstands in claims
- Most friendly mobs are now protected inside claims
- Made kingdom bank placeholder format better (no long line of numbers) (in scoreboard)
- Improvements to /k transactions (different types of transactions will show different items now instead of just paper)
- Improvements to /k members (added sorting based on last seen & role)
- Kingdom & ally chat no longer get send to discord
- Neutral kingdoms now get 5 free claims (new kingdoms)
- Normal kingdoms now get 8 free claims (new kingdoms)
- Small performance improvements
- Made kingdom ally & kingdom chat format much better [After next auto reboot]
- Fixed some item losing issues with /marry
- Fixed fish menu not working in /help
- Small performance improvements
- Skyfox & up now earn 25% extra from jobs! [New perk]
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