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Known Member
Mar 7, 2016
Creative scares me a lot.. I never go on it. I got asked to be someones cat one time, then I was just done.
Embrace it, love it! Become their cat, marry them, make a sucky roleplay! Degrade your grammar, act like you're a 12-year-old! It's all worth it! Join us... join us @Serity...
o-o oh god is that what happens to people who've been in creative to long. .-. xDDO
xD The main population of Foxcraft Creative is 9-12-year-old girls. It's quite disturbing, the things they come up with. Luckily, I've made it out with my sanity, and grammar. I like to piss them off by correcting each and every mistake.
I met this really nice guy on creative, He was 45 years old and him and his wife has a plot next to each other, They told me they're building their real life house in creative which i thought was quite cute lol
I met this really nice guy on creative, He was 45 years old and him and his wife has a plot next to each other, They told me they're building their real life house in creative which i thought was quite cute lol
He was prob a 6 year old kid.
I met this really nice guy on creative, He was 45 years old and him and his wife has a plot next to each other, They told me they're building their real life house in creative which i thought was quite cute lol
Wow, that's awesome. I'd love to do that, in 32 years. Wow, I've got a lot of life ahead of me! That is, of course, if the gangs don't get to me first. Violence, drugs, smoking, and early exposure to sex, that can't be good.
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