HI guys and girls.
Have started my first ever video recordings and have the up on you tube now
Please check it out and give me some feedback.
IrishChevron on mcFoxCraft.com
Still new to making videos so a lot to learn
So my Youtube is youtube.com/c/zambiedaname
And Ive been playing a lot of SkyWars and just hanging out in genral on your server!
I've been wondering is it possible for me to become YouTuber!
I get 100 views per video * MOST THE TIME * I have 156 Subs at this moment. I get mostly positive...
So my YouTube is youtube.com/c/zambiedaname
And Ive been playing a lot of SkyWars and just hanging out in genral on your server!
I've been wondering what is the min to become YouTuber!
I get 100 views per video * MOST THE TIME * I have 156 Subs at this moment. I...