
  1. _Super_Hans_

    Survival Weed Shop

    New Survival Weed Shop! Selling weed for $90! Come by and smoke a joint! x: 123576 z: 125823
  2. Dogeweed

    hi am doge

    hi mi nem is dojemeth am knew to sivir an i hop to pley an haev fun heer
  3. Doje [Lee]

    Foxcraft GOT HACKED AGAIN!

    becos rick roll is 2 mainstream offtopic section is dead atm m8
  4. Doje [Lee]


    That fancy text got your attention amirite? ;) Just thought I'd do a real introduction.. You probably don't feel like reading an entire paragraph so I'll keep it short. IGN: Doje Age: 13 Rank: Who even cares? Main Servers I Play On: Survival: Skywars, Creative (Lost quiet a few brain cells on...