
  1. TheCooldude087

    Factions Trading items for stuff on fcove

    Your in-game name: TheCooldude087 Type of transaction (Trading/Selling/...): Trading Good (Tokens/Money/Items/...): Fmagma: 15mill 106 tokens Sglacier: 9.5k 945 tokens Svulcan: 5k 540 tokens Prison: 134k 523 tokens OPprison: 450 tokens Survival: 570 tokens Description: I am trading those items...
  2. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Is Scamming Allowed?

    I'm the kind of day player who will often do trades with other players, sometimes this involves my own money IRL. Before I get to heavy into this business I wanted to ask if scamming is allowed, because if not I'll save myself some heartache and money. Thanks Is scamming allowed? If not, what...