
  1. TotalMM


    Someone do me a Minecraft skin based on my pfp? K thanks - Total
  2. TotalMM

    Guess who's back? Back again?

    Ello you freakin dipsticks Guess who's back?? -------------------------------------------------------------- TotalMM is back as Moderator baby!!!! Explanation: I gazed upon the staff list, seeing that it was indeed, lookin pretty dead. Feelin sympathy for you bunch of geezers, I hit up...
  3. TotalMM

    Official Resignation

    Nope, not a April Fool's prank this time. I'm Resigning from Moderating Foxcraft As some of you know (Those select few within my friends circle), I have a lot going on with regards to college work and such. Hours of my day every day are taken by college work, me now having a regular schedule...
  4. zay

    Just Joined!

    Hey Guys just joined this Foxcraft Forums! It seems like a Foxcraft twitter which is pretty cool i guess! Hopefully u have met me in the game and if u haven't i'm always accepting tpa req! Thanks for reading and Just remember u cant have a rainbow without some rain!
  5. TotalMM

    Random Creative Crashing - The fix guide!

    Hello, TotalMM A lot of people do not know how to fix a problem of having their Minecraft crash when they log onto creative. And I'm here to solve it for you, and help you get back on! (Don't worry, I too know how Cheesy that intro was.) Now, first I'd like to address the reason Why this...
  6. JoeyDaKangaroo


    Today, i got temp banned for msg a server ip to my friend ITz_Pheonix bc my skype didn't work for the few minutes. And i wait an hour from 4:08-5:08. Then when i log back in it says i got Perm banned. Please unban me i am sorry i just finished my plot please.