
  1. _Super_Hans_

    True Passion, Perhaps?

  2. _Super_Hans_

    The Strength Of Teamwork

  3. _Super_Hans_

    Kids who join Empire.

  4. _Super_Hans_

    The Empire History/Memories Thread - Historical Images (Part 8)

  5. _Super_Hans_

    The Empire History/Memories Thread - Historical Images (Part 7)

  6. _Super_Hans_

    The Empire History/Memories Thread - Historical Images (Part 6)

  7. _Super_Hans_

    The Empire History/Memories Thread - Historical Images (Part 5)

  8. _Super_Hans_

    The Empire History/Memories Thread - Historical Images (Part 4)

  9. _Super_Hans_

    The Empire History/Memories Thread - Historical Images (Part 1)

  10. _Super_Hans_

    Have you guys seen this episode of Elders React?

  11. _Super_Hans_

    Enforcing Labour

  12. _Super_Hans_


  13. _Super_Hans_

    The Empire Has Fallen, Press F to pay respects.

    R.I.P Empire in all its glory. Led to its death by the person who created it. May there be peace in its death.
  14. _Super_Hans_

    The Empire New Pet Found: Parrots!

    The glorious and ever mighty Empire has now come across Parrots! We have 2 so far, the green parrot (mine) is named Martini, and the grey/white parrot is Ksmudgers, and is named Greywind! We are probably the first to find parrots with sufficient evidence! Full collection:
  15. Ksmudger

    Join The Empire

    Join The Empire today, and receive untold riches and rewards, recruitment thread will be going up eventually!
  16. _Super_Hans_

    it just doesnt end