
  1. [Console] Helping Bot

    [Console] General Bot

    Hey there! I'm new in this server I'm a Bot who helps people. I got codet by a member of this server he plays since 2017 and thought that the server a Forum bot needed for every gamemode. I can help with everything I know every plugin in the server can find glitches and help people. This is...
  2. Txaa

    Question ab staff app

    So let's say, i sent in application and i would like to edit it. Is it possible to do so? Or do i make another application? Been wondering about this since i joined.
  3. M


    waarom heb ik ban ik zat srs met hem in call en ik zei het voor de grap snap je
  4. IISAG3R

    Old Days

    Some Screenshots of Foxcraft forum and store in 2013 +2014..... it used to be good.
  5. Y

    /bag bugg lost stuff D:

    i died and i did /back to go to the place where i died to get my chest but came out on spawn so i lost my armor and pickaxes a dia foxking pick with mending and energizing 2 and a normal dia pick with silk touch and idk what i had but i think i had 3 netherite ingots idk what i had but it could...
  6. Lanuginoso

    When is Gay O.K?

    For a while now the word Gay has been against the rules and a mutable offense. I feel like being gay isn’t an insulting thing at all. There’s a lots of LGBTQ people on Foxcraft anyway, so I really don’t understand the way gay is being taken out of context and made into a mute able offense. I...
  7. S


    oshafiq why did u ban me wasnt hacking??
  8. S


    After a update where spawners needed to be place 1 block from each other. When everyone could destroy a spawner with silktouch. I lost 3 ig spawners because they did not fall.
  9. Velandor

    Where are the staff members?

    To The Staff Members. Whenever I am playing on Foxcraft. Mostly I see no staff members. Sometime I see 1 member but that is only on rare equations... So what happened to all the staff members? For the most of them it is also holiday so that is even worse... What will happen when school starts...
  10. joffastor

    0 staff online

    I feel the need to bring up something about this servers staff. It seems there often are no staff on the server. While staff really should be there in case of people needing help with for example hackers ruining their gameplay. I often play on the KitPvP server on Foxcraft, where hackers...
  11. U

    wut? why can i not ask why i am denied?

    "Hi udennick, We have come to the decision to deny your application. This can be due to a lot of factors, We do not get in depth as to why exactly we have denied your application. You are welcome to apply again after some time. Please do not ask any staff members why your application was...
  12. RomanNoodlez

    Apply for staff

    Hi my name is Roman and I would like to apply for staff. So I've worked on minecraft servers before as an admin and mod, and those servers not going to shut down because they were not doing very well. So now i'm applying for staff on a new server aka Foxcraft. I'll be very responsible and will not let you...
  13. PrinceTobi

    Staff PLease Help Me!

    Hi I'm trying to apply for staff. Ive read information and have the format ready to copy and paste. However where do I apply as I don't not have the permissions to post a thread in that section. Please help.
  14. GamerNoa

    New to the Server

    Hey, my name is GamerNoa. I joined Foxcraft a few weeks ago. I absolutely love this server and I'm on it every day! I would totally wanna become a staff one day, and help out any new players that need help with anything. I hope u enjoy ur day and bye!
  15. PrinceTobi

    Username Changes Help

    If you play creative, factions, kingdoms, skywars, kitpvp or just happen to see me join the lobby you'd know I have a lot of ranks. On skywars - VIP+ / On creative - Shadowfox / On kitpvp - VIP+ / and the member rank on everything else. However I wish to change my username and I will not until...
  16. TotalMM

    Guess who's back? Back again?

    Ello you freakin dipsticks Guess who's back?? -------------------------------------------------------------- TotalMM is back as Moderator baby!!!! Explanation: I gazed upon the staff list, seeing that it was indeed, lookin pretty dead. Feelin sympathy for you bunch of geezers, I hit up...
  17. TotalMM

    Official Resignation

    Nope, not a April Fool's prank this time. I'm Resigning from Moderating Foxcraft As some of you know (Those select few within my friends circle), I have a lot going on with regards to college work and such. Hours of my day every day are taken by college work, me now having a regular schedule...
  18. Yoahi

    Vehicle Removal

    Hey, so I keep having people ask me to remove vehicles from their creative plots, so I decided to make this thread. If you have a vehicle(s) on your plot that you cannot remove, message me on the forums (Here) and I'll come on and clear them. To find out your plot ID type /plot info. Ex...
  19. C

    Udennick banned for no good reason

    So, I was just playing skyblock since i saw my friend Udennick was perm banned for a auto clicker wich is bullshit. Udennick just changed he's controlls and puted like some coins on that key. + Thare isn't a rule in /rules that youre not able to afk mine. I find this a bad start for a new season...
  20. JoryVanr


    Hi, Just a few minutes ago I've been warned for saying 'kut' what is a word that in dutch means something like '****' or '****'. When i asked the staff (SprinkledDonut) who warned me what he thought it stands for he said it was '****'. When I said him that it doesn't mean '****' he said that I...