
  1. M

    I can't mine the spawner that i bought

    I bought a spawner but i cant mine it and it stopped spawning
  2. boemstok

    new minions and spawners idea.

    a crafter minion that like's craft an item. T1 8 sec T2 6 sec T3 4 sec and a seller minion that sells like 1 item. T1 10 sec T2 8 sec T3 6 sec new spawners cod and puffer fish.
  3. Z


    i bought a spawner in the shop and also a spawn egg but when i want to put the spawnegg in the spawner it doesnt work can somebody help me pls
  4. C

    Factions Spawner Help!

    I am thinking of buying a spawner. What spawner should i buy apart from the iron golem?