
  1. Yoahi


    So recently I've been putting a lot of thought into what I'd like to be when I'm older, and I'm kind of unsure as of now. I have a few ideas but no clue. I'd like to ask you guys what you want to do when you're older, maybe become an actor, police officer, private trainer, or etc. Tell me what...
  2. ZambieD

    Youtuber Rank

    So my Youtube is youtube.com/c/zambiedaname And Ive been playing a lot of SkyWars and just hanging out in genral on your server! I've been wondering is it possible for me to become YouTuber! I get 100 views per video * MOST THE TIME * I have 156 Subs at this moment. I get mostly positive...
  3. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Incomplete transfer

    I bought FoxKing today, but I only got it on glacier, when I really just need it for Vulcan. Is the skyblock rank system for only one or the other or was this a mistake. If it isn't is there any way I can get my rank transferred from Glacier to Vulcan. Thank you
  4. Leopard_Gecko (Andrew)

    It told me to do this.
