
  1. PATYKQs

    Armor Stand In WorldGuard Area (END)

    Hello! I would like to report my own mistake, i've placed an Armor stand in the END and wanted to move it to the middle, The problem is that I clicked the wrong button and moved it into the WorldGuard Area. As for that I would appreciate it, If one Of the Staff members that has Permissions at...
  2. P


    I was just playing creative and actively building but I ran into a problem. Normal members are limited to 1 plot only and to get another one you have to spend real money. I get the fact that the servers that are used are far from free. But still I think it would be awesome to just give members a...
  3. Txaa

    Server login

    So when you open the server list and refresh the page, about 99% of the time, it doesn't let you connect to Foxcraft, i refresh it few other times, still no, i go to other server and the log out and try if that works, it doesn't, i even close down lunar and open again, and it doesn't work, so i...
  4. E

    problem to connect

    I rode a horse and I can't reconnect me in the kingdoms, how can i connect me?
  5. EternalTerrors

    Nothing at all

    @Mechz i got on and typed /staff to see this: now there is no problem apart from the fact there is enough staff members on to moderate the almost whole server, except they are /sglacier ,/creative and /anarchy and i haven't seen one of these "New Staff Members" on /svulcan, /skywars, /kitpvp...
  6. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    KitPVP donator kits

    I've had FoxQueen on kitpvp for a while now, and I noticed that multiple kits don't give you what they say they will. I'm not talking about medic or knight which still say diamond armor. I mean like Vampire kit or Farmer kit, which are essentially useless due to the lack of anything but armor...
  7. I

    WTH! are you kidding me

    So I just got on the newly "Updated" factions server and lets just say i think it looks great but other then that its worse then before i mean YOU HAVE TO BUY A WHOLE NEW RANK TO HAVE A RANK ON FACTIONS!!!! WTH is this!! I already bought Skyfox now you want more money this is just plain...