
  1. tnttnt115

    Whats the best music genre? (poooollll)

    don't give me crap if i forgot some obscure genre
  2. 000

    Who actually wants/doesn't want a survival reset?

    Survival reset? Vote:
  3. JeffLikesLemons

    Ancient Place Poll for me Joining!

    Just a quick vote for everyone who's into history, like me.
  4. AceArchitect28

    Poll... Again

    It seems no one wants me to build Ace School. Mysterious eh? I was thinking of having a town hall but really I want the public to decide! Please comment on what i should build! Thanks!!
  5. AceArchitect28

    Sick As A Dog, Also Closure of Polls + Announcement of A New Building

    Hello, been sick for a while now. I have decided to close the polls early. Keep FoxMart open: 1 vote - 20% Close down FoxMart: 4 votes - 80% As by the statistics, it is obvious the public wants FoxMart to be closed down. I will start tearing down FoxMart as soon as I can. BUT DO NOT WORRY...
  6. AceArchitect28


    Breaking News: I got someone telling me I should close down FoxMart. Should I close it down? Please vote!
  7. EternalTerrors

    Hopper Limit Poll

    well storage systems are **** and people with op islands with hoppers already placed don't have to worry but like, Currently this problem is on /svulcan and less people are playing it now which i have noticed and people are playing on /glacier which i find has a larger majority of bullies...
  8. sstrawberryy

    Pandagrrrrrrl's First Thread ^---^

    Hello! I just want to post my first thread... It has a poll-I think, or at least I hope so lol. So... Go vote! ^--^:);):cool::p:D:rolleyes:o_O
  9. Arpen


    What is your favourite colour? If it's not a generic colour share them below! Eg. Arylide Yellow > Yellow Big Dip O'Ruby > Maroon Barn Red > Red * My Favourite colour is Teal *Black & White aren't considered colours
  10. Arpen

    Ice cream

    Quite an important spiritual topic for me... Please be respectful What is your favourite ice cream flavour? Vote on the poll! Don't see your favourite ice cream? Comment below!