op prison

  1. DrBlocky

    Rank Cost

    Once you use /rankup, there is not an easy way [that I have found :) ] to see how much previous ranks cost. Below is the full list: A to B: $200,000 B to C: $550,000 C to D: $1,946,880 D to E: $2,336,256 E to F: $2,803,507 F to G: $3,364,208 G to H: $4,037,049 H to I: $4,844,459 I to J...
  2. DrBlocky

    Would you like 1 BILLION Dollars?

    Thank you for clicking on the forums most clickbaity title. I could do with a new minecraft skin. My current skin is cobbled together from 2 different sources off the internet, and cobbled together badly. I would like to keep my skin in a similar theme as I currently have, and ideally keep...
  3. Fallout

    Ascension Clan Recruitment

    Sah doods. This is the recruitment thread for Ascension our server wide clan. I myself specialize in Factions but want to reach out and expans into gamemodes like Kitpvp , OP-Prison, the next Survival, and even Creative! I'm basically looking for people who are active good at PvP good genuine...