
  1. snowbunnies

    Removing a claim from a banned account

    My main account was banned by mojang a few years ago. I have a bunch of stuff in my claim and was wondering if I could have that claim removed. I haven’t found my base yet but I know it controls an end portal. If I find the base or if some mod finds it can it be removed? Cheers
  2. sandisk1215

    heloo others

    yes yes how is ur day
  3. TotalMM

    Random Creative Crashing - The fix guide!

    Hello, TotalMM A lot of people do not know how to fix a problem of having their Minecraft crash when they log onto creative. And I'm here to solve it for you, and help you get back on! (Don't worry, I too know how Cheesy that intro was.) Now, first I'd like to address the reason Why this...