
  1. Keylen

    i dot

    no bad staff yes >:( all i did wasd call someone gay
  2. PrinceTobi

    Foxcraft Pride

    Due to quarantine, most LGBT players won't be able to go to Pride this year. To show our support to all of them, we're going to to host a Pride event next weekend! If you wish to help set up the events please say!
  3. POTUS_Caboose

    Minute Men Community

    If you are new and looking for a safe place to settle, msg me on here, Minecraft, or Discord to get /tpa or coords to our wholesome community. We are a polite bunch who just want to help around. We are also starting a team called Minute_Men made by Skapalla, to contact to join please message me...
  4. S


    a moon as light as the sun the sun as dark as the moon the whisps of cool night fly past me as i reach the top it is a long, perilous journey step by step rock by rock i make it. as i look down the air whispers to me and i realize that i was not alone however i close my eyes and let fate take me...