
  1. I

    Making kingdoms more enjoyable.

    Make it so you CAN kill people in the elysium, but not raidable. It's not fun when there are 4–5 people running around in the olysium. It feels like survival with customs enchants its so boring we are grinding skills / getting gear for literally no reason at all right now ty.
  2. E

    Remove Soulbound Enchant.

    I, as someone who has played the server for a long time know that keep inventory does not work for Kingdoms. I know it is not keep inventory, but having soulbound on your armor and tools make it feel like keep inventory (the only thing you lose is pots and enchanted golden apples), gives no...
  3. M

    I can't mine the spawner that i bought

    I bought a spawner but i cant mine it and it stopped spawning
  4. DJJoenie

    friend got banned a long time ago

    hello, A friend of mine got banned before the restart of Kingdoms a long time ago. Could he get an unban? It’s been a while and he would like to play again. Player name is Richflavour Thanks.
  5. S

    Is it bad to make a Kingdom about your ELA teacher?

    A couple of my friends and I made a kingdom about our ELA teacher. How do you think he will react when we tell him after summer ends?
  6. jaredfaith

    Broken Systems

    Hey uh admins mods anyone that high rank that can see this theres a problem within kingdoms that u can NOT remove allies or change ur diplomatic relations with them.
  7. MitchellNub4life

    Add the capability to buy and sell Shields in /shop!!

    Since shields have become a big part of pvp recently, I thought it would be nice to be able to buy them off of /shop. This will help with enchanting and would be quite useful. I would suggest adding the Shields in the armor or tool section.
  8. Venomlol

    Kingdoms HP Glitch

    @cloakfox I got the HP Glitch today, I don't think it is fixed lol.
  9. LittleLuna033

    the minions

    if someone that has brought a minion then doesn't want it and tried to sell it in the /ah and someone buys it does the ownership change to the new player or is it like a scam?
  10. vBelgian


    Right now you cant invade a single Unneutral kingdom. And its really annoying if you cant invade single Unneutral kingdoms because if you dont wanne be raideble just go neutral.