
  1. Semmentvloer

    Old kingdoms

    We need old kingdoms back with You can't even invade in this mode and haven't you guys seen how bad the player count is when looking back to the old kingdoms. @cloakfox kingdoms is in your hand. #BRINGBACKOLDKINGDOMS
  2. cloakfox

    A new kingdoms tale & reset! Releasing on 28-04-2023

    Greetings Foxcraft community! It's been a LOOOOOONG time since I've been able to post something worthy in these announcements but here I am. I hope you are all doing amazing :D Onto the good stuff. Kingdoms Valhalla and Kingdoms Empire will both reset & merge into 1 server! Kingdoms will...
  3. SlyWhyGuy

    Dragon's Breath Won't Create Lingering Potions

    When I try to put the dragon's breath in the brewing slot, it doesn't convert into a lingering potion. I tried changing potion amounts, but it still presists to not work.
  4. DreamtheIIYT

    tbh i like kingdoms valhalla

    the people on here are nice and mostly pvpers but that dosnt matter it wont change the way that my team wont stop but if they do i wont.
  5. Fluffy_Sylveon

    Looking for people to join my Kingdom!

    :mc_357-0: :mc_e_98:Looking for members to FluffyLegacy:mc_e_98::mc_357-0: We are a peaceful, fairly new kingdom in an Ice Spike biome! :mc_63-0:WHY AM I ASKING: My kingdom has literally nobody in it but me, so I would hugely appreciate someone asking to join! :mc_144-0: HEADS, IF YOU WANT...
  6. E

    problem to connect

    I rode a horse and I can't reconnect me in the kingdoms, how can i connect me?
  7. tuur4444


    Pls i am so poor and i love this game owner if you see this pls give me your head my minecraft name is tuur4444. (this is the best server ever)
  8. M

    Jobs system

    does anyone know how the mod/plugin for the jobs system works I would like to know de system in detail
  9. LittleLuna033

    Having some anvil problems on KD

    my friend and I both have notice SOMETIMES when fixing out stuff in the anvil it takes the gold iron and diamonds also our levels and doesn't fix the item at all. It does get annoying and was really hard when we first started off when we didn't have as much stuff
  10. cloakfox

    Kingdoms Reset (September) - A battle for land might and glory!

    It has been well over a year since we introduced the Kingdoms gamemode to the Foxcraft network and it was a huge success. It's now finally time to announce the many changes that have been made to the kingdoms gamemode and let you guys know when it's releasing! The new battle for land might and...
  11. iMelqn


    so, as you all know there are a lot of scammers in the server.One of them is Dylanvercamer so watch out as i was speaking he called me dumb for asking if he was dutch.he asked if i was doing dimb or being dumb bcs the guy was from belgium. so i traded him keys on kingdoms for keys on skyblock...
  12. qKevin

    Kingdoms event!!!!!

    I have been thinking about making a mini-event on Kingdoms to maybe bring back some people. The event will be Pvp based and the goal of the event is to kill a specific person (most likely me :p). The person that kills me and gets a specific item that I will have in my inventory will get a big...
  13. NelesTMR

    All the kingdom commands

    I did somthing in a free vault and i forgot the command so i want a list with ALL commands from kingdom.
  14. Josh_123

    Staff please read my server suggestion for kingdoms - Its been 5 days :(

    Staff please read my server suggestion for kingdoms - Its been 5 days :(
  15. PrinceTobi

    Favourite Gamemode & Why

    What is your fave Foxcraft gamemode and why? My favourite is creative as you have endless possibilities of what you can do