
  1. ROrrlossn

    Need more stuff members and a better anti-cheat

    This can not happen that i am over 30 min reporting a player and no staff online and there are a lot of hackers that no one takes care of that I get it that you can leave a report to the staff members but while there are no staff members online and you have reported the players over 30 min ago...
  2. joffastor

    0 staff online

    I feel the need to bring up something about this servers staff. It seems there often are no staff on the server. While staff really should be there in case of people needing help with for example hackers ruining their gameplay. I often play on the KitPvP server on Foxcraft, where hackers...
  3. ForgottenKairos

    3 times banned

    Hello there, I thought that if someone got 3 times banned, he/she couldn't ever join again. I thought this because on the Foxcraft Store you can only buy 3 unbans, as you can see here: I have seen some people get 4/5 times unbanned, what I think it's very annoying. It gives me the feeling that...