
  1. P

    Questions about server rules

    Multiple times over the last few days I have been griefed, claim stolen, and just generally harassed by a select few toxic kingdoms/players. It has been a specific three players, and each time I had to go far out of my way to try and gather evidence, because this server has lots of rules...
  2. P

    Help with land stealing

    Hi I've been a player since early May, and I've been working and grinding to build a massive city and kingdom. My kingdom just recently shot up in members and players, which also means the enemies I make increased. Inside my main base (we call it the Capital, cause there's plan for multiple...
  3. TheCornLady

    Someone has/had access to my ender chest and messed with my base. Not sure if it was an admin or I was hacked somehow.

    Yeah basically what the title says. I’ve never experienced this in a survival server and while normally I would say it’s just plain griefers I noticed that whatever this player did is something most players can’t do. I know that it’s partly my fault for not checking in time to see if my claim...
  4. Ksmudger

    The Empire (TOA. Empire) destruction!

    Today myself and other empire members were dealing with pests who were threatening to ban us, these disobedient people have paid the ultimate price. Just an example of people who attempt to destroy or threaten us. And in general just show off our activity. Credit: @_Super_Hans_ (Co-Leader)...
  5. EpicCarol

    New Comer

    Hi, I'm EpicCarol! I love playing on Fox Craft. I'm here because of what happened recently on the creative server, on 11/25/2016, somewhere near 8:00 pm, to the next morning. I had built a big RP on my plot, which took up every little nook and crany. I had trusted only two players. rpageemk, and...