
  1. TheHonestWalrus

    Fishing Plugin not working right

    so i have been fishing cause i like to fish? and i fished up a thing and it said " you have fished up a god fishing rod" and i saw the little rod come to me but i did not get it? it took like an hour just to fish that and i did not get it? then i fished up a pretty rare fish that it said in chat...
  2. nryguy

    cloak fox suks and breaks stuff

    /marry tp is so broken now on creative "tElePoRt cAnCelLed yOu WoUlD nOt SuRvIvE iT!" its creative and you cant /marry tp if they're flying or in a small space im guessing ? thats dumb it was completely normal like /tpa before it was broken smh. this is an important issue and...
  3. S

    Villagers stacking

    Villagers are stacking after they spawn. because of that you can't trade
  4. S


    After a update where spawners needed to be place 1 block from each other. When everyone could destroy a spawner with silktouch. I lost 3 ig spawners because they did not fall.
  5. TotalMM

    The "sent back to hub" glitch - how to fix it!

    Henlo So I did a similar post like this a while back for Creative, because it was the only solution at the time, and it was only occuring there. However, I have hear numerous cases of this happening in other places, and there is a fix. So, I'll go over my old solution, and provide an extra...
  6. ValidName

    Tree feller is not working

    Tree feller is not working no matter what tree I try it on, and the survival server is crashing alot