
  1. DZultra

    Are you okay if I appeal?

    As you may know I have duped items, money and others stuff which in the end, who would have though, led to a ban. And I'm feeling bad for everyone I harmed and gave something and were happy about it and is now gone. And I myself won't appeal my ban if the following people aren't okay with it...
  2. Kloppie74

    Player Duped 300mil

    There is a player on obglacier that duped more than 300mil+ Name: DonzoVT Alts: numskull34, Aliesia33 He duped in 1 day more than 300million dollars. and didnt be banned lol. its a little bit sus. you cant make 300mil+ on obglacier with only /shop :) he duped it and he isnt banned lmaoo