
  1. P


    I was just playing creative and actively building but I ran into a problem. Normal members are limited to 1 plot only and to get another one you have to spend real money. I get the fact that the servers that are used are far from free. But still I think it would be awesome to just give members a...
  2. oLizziee

    My Skyfox rank dissapeared

    I hadnt been active for a couple months and my rank dissapeared has this happened to anyone else and if so how do i get it back?
  3. nryguy

    Creative is so broken <------------------

    jesus , you cant even hold enchanted books anymore on creative. also you cant hold barrier blocks or tnt . even though you have permission to /p flag set explosion true. so they only way to get tnt or barrier blocks is to use world edit. why did so many items get banned wth.
  4. HotEclipse


    Me and some friends have been talking about it and with the late lagging we decided that we want to restart creative, this will mean that we'll loose all our important plots and have to restart, but it will help the server and help us have a fresh new start. It hasn't been reset in years and I...
  5. PrinceTobi

    Photography For The Bennington-Allen Wedding

    Some photos taken for the wedding between DrJekyllOrMrHyde and MrHydeOrDrJekyll.
  6. PrinceTobi

    Building Project Idea

    Hey, if you haven't seen me online before, which is a little weird seeing as this year will be my fifth year on Foxcraft (the server not the forums), my name's Tabby. I was wondering out of the community of people who are regularly on the creative server if anyone would like to work on a giant...
  7. TinTesla

    So, Lava? -Creative

    So what does it take to use lava in creative, or is it just blocked for tech reasons?
  8. PrinceTobi

    Favourite Gamemode & Why

    What is your fave Foxcraft gamemode and why? My favourite is creative as you have endless possibilities of what you can do
  9. lukaeaeap


    i am a dutch minecrafter and i like to build big thing or just survival in the middle of nowhere.
  10. TC_Torpey

    Opened A Crash Chest A Really Long Time Back (Please Read)

    I was playing on the Foxcraft creative server quite a while back, and I tried to open a chest, and when my game crashed, I instantly knew it was a crash chest. Now anytime I try to join the creative server, it completely kicks me from the server, and I receive this message: "Internal Exception...
  11. ConfusedKat

    ConfusedKat-- Longtime Member

    Hello my MC name is ConfusedKat, formally known at The_Coolkat, and even coolkat123467 back in the day. I first started playing on Foxcraft in 2013 with a group of friends, i loved the server so much that i donated the money to get a skyfox rank in 2013, recently i have been going on Foxcraft...
  12. EpicCarol

    New Comer

    Hi, I'm EpicCarol! I love playing on Fox Craft. I'm here because of what happened recently on the creative server, on 11/25/2016, somewhere near 8:00 pm, to the next morning. I had built a big RP on my plot, which took up every little nook and crany. I had trusted only two players. rpageemk, and...
  13. EternalTerrors

    Nothing at all

    @Mechz i got on and typed /staff to see this: now there is no problem apart from the fact there is enough staff members on to moderate the almost whole server, except they are /sglacier ,/creative and /anarchy and i haven't seen one of these "New Staff Members" on /svulcan, /skywars, /kitpvp...
  14. TotalMM

    Random Creative Crashing - The fix guide!

    Hello, TotalMM A lot of people do not know how to fix a problem of having their Minecraft crash when they log onto creative. And I'm here to solve it for you, and help you get back on! (Don't worry, I too know how Cheesy that intro was.) Now, first I'd like to address the reason Why this...
  15. Enderwoman

    Are there any mods for making the music disks on minecraft?

    Hi Im Enderwoman and glad to see everyone here in Minecraft. I was just wondering about a mod for creating or making music disks in Minecraft, is there one? I think it would be so neat for those that create original works to have a disk for us to use in Minecraft.
  16. Ayza

    Any idea's of what i should build next in Creative, any surggestions?

    Sup everyone, Sacred here with a question for you all. So ive been thinking about what i should build in Creative but i couldnt get any good idea's. So thats why am i asking u guys if u have any good idea's for me. :D
  17. D


    Hi Foxcraft community i feel very welcome, thank you for the server you are
  18. SepticDawn

    Colored Usernames?

    Sooo... Recently, I donated to the creative server and recived the ShadowFox rank. I have seen many players with multi-colored usernames. Is there a command for this? Answers are greatly appreciated :)