
  1. POTUS_Caboose

    Minute Men Community

    If you are new and looking for a safe place to settle, msg me on here, Minecraft, or Discord to get /tpa or coords to our wholesome community. We are a polite bunch who just want to help around. We are also starting a team called Minute_Men made by Skapalla, to contact to join please message me...
  2. TotalMM

    Discord Voice! - A means of Communication!

    Hello guys, I have a new idea! Using voice communication over the Foxcraft Discord server is a great way to make new friends and to connect the staff team with the community. As such, I'd like to start interacting with more of the members of our community! Just hop on over to the Foxcraft...
  3. Arpen

    [Guide] Mini-Modding

    I'm sure most of us know what mini-modding is. If you aren't sure what mini-modding is, It's when you attempt to enforce rules or tell rule breakers to stop as if you are a staff member Quote taken directly from the Rules There are no Pro's to mini-modding there are only Cons e.g. It is...